Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Azalea's POV

I felt a pair of cold hands grab my legs and another one was placed over my mouth. I tried to fight back but I was easily overpowered. What the fuck happened to you Azalea? Jason McCann happened to me. I was drug out of the bed and down the stairs, it was quiet in the house. Everyone was asleep and I tried to hit something, make some kind of noise. I was taken out into the open and I was thrown in the trunk of a car.

My eyes widened and I tried to control my breathing. We have limited oxygen and hyperventilating isn't an option. I managed to keep calm until we came to a stop and my heart beat increased. The trunk was popped open and I was taken out of the trunk. I was carried into a house that wasn't even close to being as nice as Jason's. I was taken down a flight of some stairs and I was dropped in a dingy basement. The door was closed and I was left alone. Just me and the spiders. Oh shit, spiders.

I tried sending Jason a mental message. Jason, please come find me. I sat down on the floors against the stone wall and I buried my head in my hands. Sing Azalea, that always makes you happy.

I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream

I know you, that look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam

And I know it's true visions are seldom all they seem

But if I know you, I know what you'll do

The basement door came swinging open hitting the wall with a thud and a large bald man came walking down the steps. “Hello sweetheart.” He said his voice playful and it scared me.

“Who are you?” I asked my voice the strongest it's been in weeks.

“Eric Fletcher, leader of the North Side Gang.” He said as he walked closer to me.

I shook my head and said, “Okay and why am I here? I'm no longer in the gang.”

He let out a cruel and cold laugh. “Sweetheart it's not about what you did, it's about what your little boyfriend did.” He said now inches from my face and my heart pounded in my chest. Of course it's Jason's fault I'm here, he's the reason everything is happening to me. I thought bitterly and immediately felt a pang of guilt. “Your little boyfriend decided two years ago that he would blow up my gang. He killed everyone and now it's my turn to destroy his gang.” He continued.

“I still don't understand why I'm here, like I said I'm not apart of the gang.” I said blinking at him.

“Yes but you're bait, your beloved Jason will come searching for you and he will come here with all of his gang. My gang will destroy his and after that I suppose I'll take you for myself. I'm in between bitches anyway.” He said laughing heartlessly. I narrowed my eyes at him and spit in his face. He raised his hand and slapped me before fleeing the basement. How many times am I going to get hit?

My cheek burned but I ignored it, I should be used to this type of abuse by now. I got off the floor and walked over to the door. I tried to turn the knob but it was locked. Obviously. I searched the room for some type of weapon and my eyes fell on to a broken piece of pipe. I picked it up and hid it behind my back as I sat back on the floor, it's going to be bad news for the next motherfucker that steps into this basement.

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