Chapter 4

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-Eliza's POV-

I collected my books and stood up from my desk. I was taking my time, seeing that students all around me are running, anxious to get home, the normal routine at 3 pm.

Before I reached the doorway, I hear Mr. Novin call my name. I turn around and face him.

"Yes Mr. Novin?" I asked with a smile. Apart from his sass at times, Mr. Novin's actually a cool teacher. He's one of those don't-worry-I'm-chill teachers, but he does care. Also, he doesn't give us the 'Don't worry, your future is always bright' talk, he confronts us with the truth, and helps us with whatever we need to get to a good future. Plus I enjoy his bald head glistening during sunny days.

"Can you please give this to Miss Valentina?" He asks as he hands me the criteria of a project about Ancient Rome he assigned us today.

"Who?" I ask, looking at the sheet. Even though I've read the sheet earlier, I just want to look distracted since eye contact's always made me feel awkward.

"Oh, her name's Belle. You'll most likely find her in the nurse's room, she missed my class earlier today to help an injured student," Mr. Novin explains, with a warm smile.

"Alright. See ya tomorrow, Mr. Novin,"

"Thanks Eliza," he says, tilting his head to mark more papers. I couldn't help but grin, seeing his head shine from the sun's rays again.


"Hello, can I help you?" The nurse asks politely with her strong British accent, as I enter the nurse's office.

"Uh, is Belle Valentina here?" I ask, looking around the room.

"Belle? Belle...Belle...Oh yes she's here, helping a friend. She's in room 2, love," She answers, pointing towards a white door with a silver 1 bolted on to it.

"Thank you," I turn the silver knob, pushing the door slowly, cautious and not bothering anyone. I see Belle, sitting on the visitor's chair, biting her nails, the colour drained from her face. On the bed, I see a girl--I think her name's Alissa..?Aliyah? She is in most of my classes, I'm pretty sure. Not to mention one of the "saints" in our school. But I don't pay attention to them. She isn't as popular as others though. She's injured, with bruises splattered all over her body, sleeping peacefully. Her eyes slowly flutter open.

"Sorry to disturb, but Mr. Novin wanted me to give this to you, Belle," I hand her the sheet.

"Oh thanks!" She stops biting her nails and grabs the sheet. Some colour blotches on her face.

"Are you okay? Alicia, right?" I turn towards the girl.

"It's Alaina," she confirms with a half-smile, her lower lip bruise preventing it to be a full smile."Oh and yeah, I'm fine, thanks. You're Eliza right? I think you're in my English class."

"Yep, yep. Mrs. Dallas's class...unfortunately..." My voice fades, not wanting to seem judgemental.

"Oh my god, her! She's torture!" Alaina giggles.

Ah finally. Someone who's my gender that I get along with.

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