Goku's Sacrifice

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Cell had ballooned up and was threatening to blow up the Earth

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Cell had ballooned up and was threatening to blow up the Earth. You felt helpless, limp and weak as you watched it unfurl before your own very eyes.

You laid unconscious after helping Gohan against Cell. You decided enough was enough and you stepped in, at a cost. Gohan became like your son and you became his mother-figure. He never had one but he saw one in you.

At first you weren't so keen about this little boy you first met on Namek calling you mom but you softened up. Earth and the people on it had a way of making you finally become less egotistical and arrogant. You were actually happy and smiling for once, which made your brother Vegeta almost sick to see.

But you knew eventually he would come around. You knew he would.

You woke up to the scary sight of Cell laughing maniacally with his body blown up and for once in your life, you felt terrified. It was a new feeling. You grew to love the planet you were now protecting. And to see it all possibly end just like that was heartbreaking and gut-wrenching.

"M--Mom?" Gohan noticed you were awake and everyone's attention snapped at you momentarily.

"G--Gohan, m--my baby." You felt a deep pain in your abdomen, trying to sit up from the pile of rock rubble Cell laid you to rest in. Everyone probably expected you to die but somehow you were still kicking. Stubborn Saiyans, you heard Piccolo mumble making you chuckle weakly. It was proving hard, a little groan of pain coming out of your lips as you shifted your body to get up.

"Mommy, don't move. I--it doesn't matter anymore. I should have stopped Cell while I had the chance. I--I ruined it." His eyes welled up with tears, laying his head gently on your chest not wanting to hurt you anymore than you already were.

But you didn't care as you caressed his back.

"It's okay, ba--baby. You did your best. I--if t-this is h--how we're go--gonna go...I wa--want to h--hold you one la--last time..." You lifted your other arm to wrap around him, feeling the impact of Cell's ballooning up of small rocks, dirt, and shins hitting both of your faces.

"W--what do you mean? Aren't we going to see each other in the after life?" He looked at you, his beautiful turquoise eyes fearful and scared.

"I--I've done b--bad thin--things in m--my life...I--I'm surely g--going to H--Hell." You looked away, your eyes engraving on the back of Goku's head..the man you almost killed out of anger when you saw what he had done to your brother.

You spared him, knowing that he would be the one to take care of Frieza. And he did...sort of.

"Don't say that! You're going to Heaven, you're a good person Mommy. I don't know what I'll do without you!" He buried his face in your chest again, shaking with violent sobs.

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