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(Opening memo) "To live happily in life, one must not dwell upon its meaning. To find happiness, one has to experience and absorb the happiness around them, not hesitating upon every negative that they encounter, but to overcome them and keep on moving forward. Just take a look with wider eyes and broader minds, whatever you're searching for, it's certainly out there. Don't give up. "

"Wha... What the hell are you?" The Boss said as he frantically took a few steps back away from Shiho. Three dead bodyguards lay on the ground between Shiho and the Boss. Shiho wiped the blood off his mask and looked at the Boss.
"Greet the devil when you see him." Shiho said just as his eyes flashed red.
Three weeks later...
"How much longer do we have to wait?"
"Shhh... Just a little longer. He hasn't woken yet. I'll continue to take care of him, but the fun starts now. You lot take care of the rest as usual. I'll summon you all when the time comes."
"Yes sir."
"Breaking News. Just in, another attack his occurred. Innocent citizens and murderous gangs found dead in random places throughout the city. Police investigations are undergoing the case."
"It has been almost a month since the first case, now there are more of the same cases popping up around town everywhere."
"Although the cases all have no leads and patterns, we will continue to protect this city from further threats, we assure you."
"I advise all citizens to be careful out there and don't talk to strangers."
A paper showed of a lost boy on a street light pole.
Hoshi Yanaga, age 20, If Found please report to this number below.
There was a picture of Hoshi on the paper. Moshi, Koro and Angel were walking around town posting up papers of this everywhere.
"I cant believe it's almost been a month now..." Angel said.
"Yeah, it's been too long." Koro said.
Moshi looked at the image of Hoshi and shed a tear.
One week after.
Here lies he memories of Hoshi Yanaga.
All of Hoshi's friends gathered at a tomb near the corner of a cliff where a tree stood and led down to a river.
"We may not know what or where Hoshi is, but he will always remain in our hearts." Koro said as he looked down at the tomb,
"You taught me there were good in people. You saved me and took me in despite the rest." Moshi said with teary eyes.
"We are happy to have met someone as pure as you Hoshi." Kai said.
"A pure baka child who never gave up on any of us." Rin said.
"And until we know what truly happened to you, your memories lie here until we meet again... my shooting star..." Angel said.
Out of nowhere Mikado, Marrows and Mikoto Red along with Nony right along his side came up behind them. They stood before the group of friends who were surprise to see them.
"It's only fair we came to return our respect and thanks..." Marrows said.
"Right... Go ahead." Koro said.
They let them through.
"Thank you." Mikado said and bowed down halfway with respect along with Marrows.
"If only you told me you were friends with Nony here, things would've been easier." Mikado said as he bowed his head down slightly with respect. Nony nudged his arm.
"Right... Sorry. Knowing you, youre still out there somewhere. Nony believes too, don't you buddy?" Mikoto Red said.
"Aye. He's quite unexpected, that he is... Baka Raisin Hoshi." Nony said.
Everyone gave a moment of silence.
"Well, well, well. Nice ceremony here." Shiho said as he stood behind all of them clapping slowly.
"Who're you?" Koro asked.
"Wait... Hoshi?" Angel said.
"Hoshi... You..." Moshi said.
Everyone stared at Shiho in confusion but relief.
"Hahaha! I'm going to have to sadly say, I am not Hoshi." Shiho said.
"But you look just like him." Koro said.
"No... That's not him. I can tell." Angel said.
"Indeed I'm not. My name is Shiho. I've come to bring go unexpected news for you all." Shiho said.
"I found Hoshi." Shiho said.
"The star... deep in the woods... the tree that guards the place... Moshi... Koro..." A voice said weakly
"Shh shhh shh... Come now my friend. I will return you home. You just take a longer rest."
"I found him in the river behind this building down the hill. He was unconscious. So I took him in for a while. The hospital couldn't do a thing to help because something was off. So I took him to my place for a while where only I could help him. Then I brought him here because I heard him say something about a forest and a building in his coma. So I took him in for nearly a month and took care of him before bringing him here." Shiho said.
"And why did you do that?" Angel said.
"You wouldn't believe me. Hoshi here isn't just any human." Shiho said.
"What do you mean by that?" Moshi asked.
"Hoshi has a right heart." Shiho said.
"Pardon?" Kai said.
Shiho chuckled a bit and said, "He doesn't have a heart on his left like the rest us. His heart is on the right side of his chest. Doctors couldn't do much to stop all the excess bleeding, for there was a severe deep wound in his left chest where his heart was supposed to be."
"And so the doctors thought he was a goner huh?" Koro said.
"Bingo." Shiho said.
"What did you mean when you said that only you were able to help him?" Moshi said.
"Well... You see. Like some of you here, you are considered, special or talented or what I like to call Guardians... Angels... and Monsters." Shiho said with a smile.
Kai and Rin looked away with uneasiness.
"What do you mean Guardians, Angels and Monsters?" Koro asked.
Shiho looked at the group and his eyes glowed yellow.
"I have a certain power. I can heal and return anyone back to their previous healthy state also regenerating their lost limbs at will so long as I am in physical contact with the person. That is what I can do when my eyes glow yellow. That is my power." Shiho said.
"Woah... Amazing." Koro said.
"And what about Guardians, Angels and Monsters? What are those?" Moshi said.
"That is a long story. But I am willing to share since I have many explanations to spill."
Long ago. There was a world where Angels, Monsters, and Humans lived in peace. Then as time passed, the three divided due to the consumption of war and gaining power over the world. They then lived separately in different regions of the world. The three clans lived lavishly still despite the war. Some members of each clans mingled and sought peace. Some eventually mingled too much and created what is to be called Guardians. Half human, half of whatever else the human interacted with. Eventually years later, the world overpopulated and Humans eventually took over the world through advance technological warfare. Planes, ships, heavy weapons, computers, they all outclassed the other clans. Humans had replaceable resources for those, but the other clans were much unfortunate to replace their kind against the Human's weapons. Centuries went by and here we are now. Some of us survived and hid living alongside humans. And from there on out, that's where things got lost with history and that's just it.
"So you're saying me and Kai are..." Rin said.
"Monsters. Or maybe Guardians. I don't really know what powers you guys have which is none of my concern but for now you all know the history." Shiho said.
"So I could be a Guardian or Monster?" Mikoto Red said as his hands lit on fire gently, "Amusing."
"Thank you, for telling us and keeping Hoshi safe for us..." Angel said.
"Eh, don't worry, it's nothing really." Shiho said.
Angel smiled in relief. The rest of the gang were also relief and shocked hearing the story shiho told them.
"I suppose I should get going now. I didn't mean to intrude." Shiho said.
"Wait! Do you have a place to stay? It's quite dangerous out there with the news going onabout the mass murdering and all that." Koro said.
"Hoshi would like to thank you once he wakes up." Moshi said.
"And besides, it is pretty late out. You should stay, so long as you keep to yourself that is. Otherwise, I'll have to keep a steady eye on you. Right Koro?" Angel said smiling.
"Hell yeah, you're still a mysterious man to me, but Hoshi being back safely is all that matters now." Koro said grinning.
"Well you all have your fun, I have a gang to protect." Mikoto Red stated as e walked out of the Star.
"W-wait for me you idiot!" Nony said, shethen turned back to the group and saluted casually, "it's great that Hoshi's back safe, it really is!"
"You just keep a watch on that hot headed friend of yours Nony!" Koro said smiling.
"Aye!" Nony said smiling and saluting causually as she ran to Mikoto. "Hey! I said wait you idiot!"
"Oh. It looks like Mikado and Marrows left too. Didn't even see them leave." Moshi said looking around for them.
"Those two were weird anyways." Koro said.
"Well, Im gunna stay too!" Angel said as she sat down on the floor with her back against the sofa where Hoshi rested.
"Wont your parents worry about you?" Moshi said.
"Nah, they think I'm at summer camp, so no worries!" Angel said.
"Nice, ditching them for friends." Koro said smiling.
"You all are something indeed." Shiho said.
"You can sleep on one of the lofts up there. I'll take the other loft with Moshi. Angel, you can sleep on the other couch." Koro said.
"Thank you very much." Shiho said as he turned to notice a piano, "who plays the piano here?"
"Oh that, Hoshi does, well he use to." Moshi said.
"He plays quite beautifully as well. He stopped playing for about three months or so now." Angel said.
"Oh? And why's that?" Shiho said.
"Things happened, long story, personal rather." Angel said. "Just glad he's back finally."
"If you don't mind then..." Shiho said as he sat at the piano stool.
"Go ahead, coma Hoshi wouldn't hear a thing." Koro said as Moshi, Angel and him watched Shiho play a piece.
Shiho played the piano. It was beautiful. The tune flowed through the building smoothly. Shiho danced along the keys with his hands with his eyes were closed as if he only waved his hands over the piano casting a spell over it to play. Hoshi's finger twitched gently. Shiho kept playing. The other three's eyes were closed and focused on listening to Shiho's beautiful play. Shiho ended the piece gently and lifted his arms off and away from the piano with a clean wave to the side as if he had ended his magic.
"Piano..." Hoshi said weakly.
"Hoshi!" Angel said as she sprang to his aid, surprise and happy to hear his voice.
Everyone else gathered around him.
"Piano... who... " Hoshi said as he smiled weakly at the others.
"You're new friend, he played the piano." Angel said.
"New... friend?..." Hoshi said.
"I'm Shiho... I'm sorry if I had interrupted your rest." Shiho said.
The rest of the evening, they smiled and tended to Hoshi's return and all crowded him with joy.
"So he's the one who found you after your fight with Leon." Moshi said.
"So, you're my hero huh?" Hoshi asked playfully with a smile.
"I was just passing by on a stroll, that's all." Shiho said smiling nervously.
"Now can we all agree that these two look so alike? You guys sure you're not related somehow?" Angel asks.
"No, sorry." Shiho said.
"Heh, no. But how do we look alike?" Hoshi asks.
"Well... Just look... The only difference are your guys hair style. Hoshi is plain..." Angel said.
"Eh... plain." Hoshi said as he fell down to the sofa, "that's nice coming from you."
"And Shiho's is well... cooler?" Angel said.
"Well, thanks, but I guess you could say we're doppelgangers." Shiho said.
"Doppelgangers?" Koro said.
"Doppelgangers. They're clones. Basically they're someone who looks exactly like you but slightly different in some senses. They could look like you but act totally different. It is said that there is at least one other in the whole world that could look like you." Moshi said.
"Really? Woah, that's so awesome." Hoshi said.
"Interesting, well clones or not, I'm still myself and only me." Shiho said.
"Same here, I'm happy just being me and only me." Hoshi said.
"Alrighty baka, now let's get your hair cut now." Angel said.
"Aw, cant I wait till tomorrow besides, it's not that long- woah! My hair is long!" Hoshi said.
"Oh yeah, forgot to tell ya, you were in a coma for about a month dude." Koro said.
"That explains the hair." Hoshi said smiling and biting his side burn.
"Baka Hoshi! Stop eating your hair and get over here!" Angel said.
"A-ah y-yes Im coming!" Hoshi said as he scrambled up to her.
"Quite the lively place here you have here." Shiho said.
"Yeah, it keeps us occupied." Moshi said smiling.
"Right, I suppose that's good." Shiho said quietly.
"Hey, hey, could you play the piano? You played the piano right before I woke up?" Hoshi said.
"Stop moving or I'll cut your ears off baka!" Angel said.
"Uh! Y-yes Angel!" Hoshi said as he sat still.
Shiho smiled and replied, "Sure thing."
Shiho started to play the piano again. Koro laid on one of the lofts resting but not asleep. Moshi watched Hoshi get his haircut. Angel and Hoshi were struggling with eachother over the haircut and Shiho played the piano as Hoshi listened.
"Say Hoshi, you should try playing the piano again... I miss hearing you play." Angel said calmly cutting his hair.
"Maybe, it has been too long hm? Shiho plays pretty well... I envy him."
"Maybe you should ask him to teach you a thing or two, try to get back into it yeah?"
"Yeah, maybe. I'll do that. Heheh. He's so good though."
"Practice makes almost perfect!" Angel said snipping a strand of hair off.
"Almost? That's quite assuring baka. Hahaha!" Hoshi said laughing.
Moshi smiled watching Hoshi smiled.
"Hey Shiho! You think you can teach me to play the piano?!" Hoshi screamed over the piano play.
"WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT MOVING YOU BAKA!!??" Angel said as she pulled him back into place.
Shiho smiled as he played and replied back, "Sure thing Hoshi!"
Moshi and Koro smiled warmly. They were all back together along with a new friend who saved Hoshi's life.
"There all done! Hoshi's all looking good!" Angel said.
"Thank you very much Angel!" Hoshi said.
Angel hugged him tight with a warm smile, "You're welcome Hoshi."
Hoshi hugged back with a blush.
Everyone was asleep at the star. It was dark except for the moon that shined through the one window of the building. A person wearing a mask eye's glowed red and disappeared into the forest.
"How'd it go Shiho?"
"It went well according to plan, I am assuming you all did your job and gathered your doppelganger's souls?"
"Yes. Not a trace left behind."
"Cops and news reporters everywhere though, curious cats scurrying around the place like rats."
"Good. Now we must consume the souls. Take their energy and make it yours. We will rise soon."
"What about yours Shiho? Did you get your soul yet?"
"Not yet... I'm gunna stick with him for a while. Learn a thing or two about the others and see what will become of them. But for now, stay hidden."
"Yes sir!"
"Aye aye!"
"Yeah yeah."

VOLUME 2: The Unexpected Extraordinary Life! Where stories live. Discover now