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~May P.O.V.~

"Thanks for taking me home." I said to Rodrick while Greg and Rowley try to get themself together from the back of the van.
"No problem babe, you sure you don't want to come over for awhile?" Rodrick asked a little disapointed since I wasn't coming over.
"Wish I could but my parents message me saying they need to talked to me right when I got home." I said and kissed him quickly and then got out of the car and walked to my house.
"Well I'm glad to see you're not late coming home." My dad said sternly.
"Hi dad.." I said quietly. My parents a very strict they want me to go to Yale like they did and join the family business."
"We only been here for a few days and you're already starting to slack. I thought coming here would make you alot happier then back at our old place but if youre going to be like this we might as well move back." My dad said.
"No dad please don't make us mve back, I really like it here Ii've already made firends here and I'm suppose to tutor Greg from across the street, I don't want to disapointent his parents my be stopping." I told him scared that he would make us move away.
"Don't be screwing up anymore, for you're punishment for being late to class give me your skateboard and sketchbook." My dad said holding out his hands.
"But dad I-"
"No buts. Give hem to me now or there will be worse consequences." My dad said interupting me and puting down the foot.
"Yes sir." I said and handed him my skateboard and sketch book.
"Go up to your room no dinner tonight go and study." My mother said ponting up the stairs.

I stayed quiet and frowned and went to my room and they locked the door. Maybe their right, it is my fault that I was late after all I gotten into a fight with Heather which led me to being late. What about Rodrick Ii was going to see him later but now I might not be able to. Oh my god Rodrick! I haven;t told my parents about him. I care for him deeply mayeb love, I know its silly to fay you love someone when you're in highschool but he actually cares about me and I don't want to screw things up. Maybe I shouldn't tell them about us atleast for now. I reemember when we got home for having dinner with them they made jokes about odrick which I laughed about then but getting to know him now they're just wrong. I'm such a terrible person.

"Hey Rodrick you there?" I texted him
"Yeah babe when you coming over?" He texted.
"Can't parents grounded me :(" I texted.
"WTF?? We only been gone for 10 minutes what did you do xD" He texted.
"My parents were upset for me being late for a class they took my skethbook and skateboard away." I texted frowning why sending it.
"Are you serious?" He texted back.
"Yeah they locked my door so I can't leave." I texted back.
"Am I going to have to be your Knight in shiny black and resuce the princess from the the dragons that live in the castle lol." He texted back.
"Yes save me :P" I texted back. I waited for a responce but then I herd a knock on my window. I opened the cutrain and saw Rodrick!
"Hey I saw a pretty girl up in her tower who I herd was locked in her tower and I thought i could give her some company." Rodrick said with that adorable smirk on his face.
"Get inside before you hurt yourself." I said smiling and laughing a bit and opened the window to let him in.

Once he got in he gave me a big kissed wrapping his arms around my waist which lasted for about a minute. After that we laid on my bed he had his arm wrapped around me and he played some music softly and we just stayed up their and talked for hours upon hours. Nnow I know how it looks like were both teenagers in a locked room but he never tried anything like that now he may tease upon stuff like that but everyone does that but he never forced anything he is such a gentlemen. Once it hit 9 pm we herd my parents coming up the stairs so he ave me a kiss goodbye and got climbed out the window and headed back to his house. Once he got home and my parents left my room I messaged him.

"Thank you <3" I texted him.
"Why are you thanking me?" He tested back.
"For everything. For careing about me and everything that you do for me. I know you deserve much more than me but I wanted to tell you I really care about you and I really like you. I texted back.
"Are you fucking serious?" He texted back.
"What wrong?" I texted back becoming sad cause I thought I screw everything up.
"I'm the one who doesn't deserve you idiot :P" He texted back.

"Why do you think that? You have done so much more for me and all I do is screw up." I texted back.
"That why I don't deserve you. Most people who know me think all I am is just some stoner emo who can't do anything right. You are smart, beautiful, funny, and know how to kick some ass and I get to see who you really are cause I see what youre like with people you don't know or like and what you're like with me. When you're with me I see you light up and like nothing bad can happen cause I am with you. You are the ony person I have truley notice who cares about me." He texted back.
"Babe you're making me cry :')" I texted back tearing up.
"Don't start crying babe go and get some sleep and don;t forget to see me when you wake up." He texted backed.
"Okay babe goodnight <3 <3 <3" I texted back. Now I know how I feel about him. I love him.

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