First Kiss

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Okay so before I start this chapter I would like to apologize for not updating this story due to my phone breaking to going to my mothers for a month so.. I notice how much people love this book which makes me really happy since I've worked hard on the chapters.
Love you guys <3.

I kept running and running hoping he wouldn't follow. My breaths were sharp and my legs were starting to hurt. After I felt a great pain in my hip and air is narrow I stopped for a second. Boy am I sure glad I did too...

I felt a hand grip my wrist and pull me close. It was Murdoc.. From the embrace I did what anyone would do  and wrap my arms around his neck and hug as right as possible but unfortunately I was too weak.

I could hear him chuckle as he looks me in the eyes and does the unexpected. He plants his lips on mine and stay there for a while.. He then pulls away blushing slightly. "We should probably get you home.." I nodded weakly Cause now my face is extra red and I am now as vulnerable as any dog would be after getting their treat. Bad example to give about a kiss from Murdoc but hey.. It was my first kiss.

He starts walking me home while we joke around and talk about yourselves and the day he was a model for a mermaid commercial on a soap. It's like we pretended the kiss never happened... Pain started to burn into my heart as a blush rushes up to my cheeks and I feel terrible. He notices the facial expression I had was a frown as he wraps his arm around my waist. "Hey, don't be like that now. You're too cute to be sad.." The pain went away instantly and he blush got darker. "W-What....?" I say with hesitation.

He whispered in my ear as we made it to the front door of my apartment. "I am glad to be your first kiss." And with that waves of butterflies swarmed throughout my stomach.


I could feel joy and excitement runs through my body but to keep my composer I never showed those emotions. All I did was stay silent. He opened the door to my apartment after snatching the keys out of my pocket. "Are you just gonna stand there? Come on let's go in!" I immediately followed him into my own apartment as I close the door. I knew this happened so fast so it kind of bothered me. I politely went to speak but he interrupted before I could even squeak out a sound.

"You should probably go to bed.... I'll be here tomorrow to pick you up.. Why you may ask? Because we need a replacement back up singer... The last one was caught drug dealing with fans of ours. She never gave them money.. She gave them free albums of our new hit album."

Hearing that I definitely was excited but of course.. Composer.. I slightly smiled and nodded as we said our good byes and he left. While I on the other hand take a shower and fall asleep.

To be continued and not abandoned again... ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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