10 Years Later

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Chapter 2

It's been 10 years since the incident happened. Rosella, now a beautiful young woman, returns to Stratford to be engaged to Alan's older brother. She misses Alan so much that she always visits their secret pace. She fell completely in love with him after he saved her from Sinclair.

"Alan, I'm so sorry. If it weren't for me, you'd still be alive." Rosella said. Sensing exhaustion, she slept under the shade of a tree.

"That lady has been looking for you for ten years, Master Alan. Don't you want to see her again?" Tyrone, Alan's pet vampire bat.

"I don't know, Tyrone. She might get scared. I'm no longer human after all." Alan answered.

"Oh, you're right. After you got bit by Master Sinclair, you turned into a vampire. But I've been thinking. How come you're not drinking human blood?" he asked.

"Well, I don't have the appetite for human blood, I guess." Alan answered. He keeps on staring at Rosella with no intention of talking to her at all.

"Oh for Pete's sake, Master Alan! Just talk to her. Would it kill you just to see her again?" said the vampire bat. Alan rolled his eyes at him then jumped off from the branch. He approached Rosella with caution.

"Rosie? Rosie? Wake up, Rosie." Alan whispered. Rosella's eyes slowly opened. She screamed out of fright and accidentally pushed her childhood friend in the river.

"Oh my goodness! Are you all right, sir?" Rosella asked and grabbed Alan's hand. She pulled him to safety. The young vampire was sputtering out water.

"What in heaven's name made you do that?! Here I thought you would be happy to see me after a decade but you chose to push me in the river instead! My god, Rosie."

Rosella couldn't believe her eyes. Her fingers traced the contour of his face. Tears of joy came out next. Rosella embraced him.

"Alan, it's you! I-I thought you were dead. Sinclair attacked you, remember?"

"I'm sorry, Rosie. I'm no longer human. Sinclair turned me into a vampire." Alan spoke and revealed his fangs to Rosella. Instead of running away from him, she smiled at him and kissed his lips. 

"It doesn't matter. You're here with me now." Rosella spoke. The two barely noticed the sun setting down. 

"You better go, love. It's getting dark." Alan said.

"All right. Until we meet again." Rosella spoke and gave Alan a kiss on his cheek. When the girl left, Sinclair appeared.

"It's been 10 years. I could see it in her eyes. She missed you so much. Don't you want to be with her before your brother marries her?" Sinclair asked.

"I don't know if I could, Sinclair." Alan answered.

"You wouldn't know if you don't try. Come, we need to go to a party." the old vampire beckoned.

"What party?" Alan inquired.

"Rosella's engagement party." Sinclair answered.

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