The Masquerade Ball

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Chapter 3

Sinclair and Alan arrived at the Higgins Manor where the ball is going to be held. Our hero has never felt this nervous before. His anxiety was felt by the old vampire so he spoke to him.

"I've never seen you this nervous before, Alan. Should I introduce you to the lady of this manor?" he teased.

"Don't even think about it, Sinclair. Don't ever think I haven't forgotten the stunt you've pulled off during the Grand Covenant Meeting in Kiev. God, It's so embarrassing." Alan replied. Then he saw his brother Alvin talking with the other guests.

"Is there something wrong, Alan?"

"It's my brother Alvin. Back in the old days, he always gives me the cold shoulder. I don't know why. Sometimes I wonder if he mourned for me or celebrated my death. Alan said with a sad tone in his voice.

 "Ladies and gentlemen, may I announce the arrival of Lady Rosella Higgins!" the page said. Every one is clapping their hands as Rosella descended from the stairs like a goddess. Alan was too astonished to speak.

"Alan, why don't you ask her to a dance instead of letting your mouth hanging wide open?" Sinclair advised and gave his charge a gentle push. Finally, Alan has come face-to-face with the love of his life.He was lost in her eyes and she to his. Sinclair cleared his throat loud enough to snap Alan back to reality.

"Uhm... Milady, may I have  this dance?" he asked. Rosella smiled and nodded her approval. As the waltz played, Alvin was staring at the both of them. There's something in Rosella's dance partner that he didn't like.

"Alan, I'm sorry I didn't have the chance to tell you about my engagement with your brother. I... I tried to reason with my parents but..." 

"Love, there's no need for you to apologize. I understand. I'm the one who should be sorry. I wasn't there for you." Alan said. "Are you certain about this, love? You're really going to marry him?"

"I don't have any choice, Alan."

"You always have a choice. Don't let your heart be dictated upon by someone else!" Alan said.

"What do you have in mind?" Rosella asked.

"Run away with me." Alan whispered to her ear. After the waltz, they broke apart. Rosella was grabbed by Alvin while Alan walked away. Sinclair saw the longing Alan is feeling. So he beckoned the young vampire and they left the manor without a trace.

"Rosella Higgins, will you marry me?" Alvin said as he knelt on one knee. Rosella felt their eyes watching her as if expecting her to say yes. But Alan's words were stuck on her head. In the end, her heart has spoken.



"I said no. I won't marry you, Alvin. My heart belongs to someone else. I'm sorry." she answered and ran away to her room. Her parents were shocked but not as shocked as Alvin. He thought he had her heart but he was wrong. There's only one person who owns her heart. It's Alan.

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