percentage of gay

89 3 8

Aries: 20%
Taurus: 65%
Gemini: 100%
Cancer: 30%
Leo: 80%
Virgo: 0%
Libra: 69%
Scorpio: 101%
Sagittarius: 50%
Capricorn: 420%
Aquarius: 100% Ryan Ross gay
Pisces: 75%

I shouldn't have to say this but I still probably should. I'm sorry if you get offended by this. It shouldn't offend you but there is a good amount of people who still will get offended by it. I apologise to those it may offend.

Also thank you everyone who reads this. Even those silent readers I don't know because you're like a ghost. But I've got over 1k reads on this and I'm so grateful!! 💕

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