Aries: none, stay home
taurus: the moon
Gemini: also the moon
cancer: anything you want
Leo: the sun
Virgo: the international space station
Libra: mars. good luck...
Scorpio: the sun, but you may lose
Saggitarius: a mylar balloon in the shape of a star
Capricorn: start kicking rocks. you're bound to find a meteor someday, and when you do it you're gonna tear it a new asshole
Aquarius: the moon but only after Taurus and Gemini have softened it up a bit
Pisces: just go outside and scream
Facts About Your Zodiacs
AlteleZodiacs are a group you are stuck in no matter how much you can relate with other groups. Why? Because the zodiac sign you're given is due to your birthday and you can't change your birthday. So getting to know more about your sign is great. And so...