I remember reading WoK for the first time. My friend was all over it and I was kinda "eh i'm not sure" and she tried to get me into it via audiobook--but it was during lunch so I couldn't even hear it and that didn't work. But then I loaned her one of my books (Song of the Summer King by Jess E. Owen, if you wanna know) and to my surprise she shoved part one of WoK into my hands and was like "read it or else".
I read it. I borrowed part two from her as well.
I cried for how depressed Kal was.
His flashbacks literally killed me.
I laughed at Syl's jokes.
Rock and Teft and Lopen are all top-notch.
I didn't care much for Adolin or Shallan . . . though that would change after reading WoR.
Truth be honest I didn't even care much for Dalinar? Or Renarin.
Jasnah was storming epic, of course.
Kabsal ripped out my heart with a knife covered in jam and bread crumbs.
I died when Kaladin spoke the Second Ideal and saved Dalinar.
Wowz. Way of Kings is so great.
Who introduced you to Stormlight? What was your first time reading WoK like? Who were your favorite characters? Favorite scene? How did you feel when you closed the book? How did you feel when you realized there was a sequel? :D
author's note: Yeah I think I'll try to update daily rather than weekly. This is too much fun not to. :) I'll see ya'll tomorrow.
RandomGet ready for the highstorm (or everstorm, we mostly don't judge here) of your radiant life (lighteyed or dark; again, little judgement here). This book's gonna be stuffed with jokes, artwork, love, anger at Sanderson, oathbringer thrills, and only...