Chapter 15 : The Prime Of Life

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Optimus Prime approached the surface of Cybertron at a quick speed, flames trailing behind him. His body slammed into the soil of his home, causing flames to erupt all around him.

Weak and injured, the Prime groaned as he lifted his head and looked around him, instantly recognising the familiar environment.

"My world...what has happened to my world?"

Out of the eerie atmosphere which was engulfed by the dead silence of space, a feminine voice echoed out of the chamber it had originated from.

"Your world is dying."

Optimus rose up and strode inside the sinister chamber, rage building within him from the sight of his destroyed world.

"I've been waiting for you Optimus. Come meet your maker."

The strange life form hung by nothing, as her long flowly tentacles moved gracefully from underneath her.

Optimus found himself slightly entraced by her voice, but refused to trust her just yet.

"You...are my creator?" He asked, still striding towards her.

"I am Quintessa, the prime of life."

"What have you done to my home!" Optimus cried, seathing the sword of judgement as he reached closed proximity to Quintessa.

Optimus Prime never had a chance. Large and heavy chains sprung out of the floor by the will of Quintessa, latching onto Optimus.

"I will KILL you!"

No matter how hard the Prime struggled, the restraints only seemed to get tighter. He was now her prisoner.

"YOU dare TO STRIKE your GOD?" Quintessa bellowed.

Infernocus, a lumbering beast of a Cybertronian, approached behind Optimus.

"Your war doomed Cybertron." Quintessa said accusingly, getting up in Optimus's face, as Infernocus kicked Prime forward.

"Megatron started the war!" Optimus defended himself, earning a violent and forceful neck snap from Infernocus.

Quintessa grabbed Optimus by his chin and raised her voice.

"YOU destroyed your world, YOU FOOL!"

Optimus's head snapped to the left, as Quintessa slapped him. Prime groaned in pain shortly, but recovered just as quickly.

The slap generated a red paint to appear on the right side of Optimus's faceplate. It crawled upwards and over his optics and ended just before his audio receptors.

"My perfect creation..." Quintessa lowered her voice.

Optimus Prime lowered his optics in the silence.

"You're going to fix it. Or the race of Transformers, dies, forever."

Quintessa's optics lighted up as she smirked.

"I made you. You are mine to command."

Optimus Prime nodded his head, obeying the sinister enemy.

Still alive. This is short but I hope you enjoyed 🍓❤💯

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2018 ⏰

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