12 Defiance And Courage

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"Hey um Megatron. Lord Megatron! Megatronsssss!!! HEY MEGATRON!" Mohawk hissed.

Megatron stared straight ahead and tried his absolute best to remain calm and collected.

Of course he couldn't hold it in.

"Mohawk will you shut your hole." He growled loudly, giving him a glare.

"Jeez Megatron. Hey Megatron?" Mohawk cackled.

Megatron sighed extremely loudly. "One more time and i'm going to find a smelting pit to drown you in."

Mohawk immediately quitened down and jumped up onto the wooden telephone pole, hugging it tightly.

Nitro cackled softly, amused.

Megatron brought his fist up and inspected the blue little cybertronian vespa that he was currently holding hostage.

"GRRR CHIWANIWA!" Sqweeks growled, earning a soft chuckle from Megatron.

"Oh, i'm terrified. Berserker, any sightings of the girl?" Megatron glanced around his shoulder.

"No my Lord, but she might show up any second now-"

"PUT HIM DOWN!" A female voice erupted from an alley infront of them.

"PUT HIM DOWN RIGHT NOW!" She yelled again, this time striding confidently towards the group of Decepticons.

Megatron smirked and threw Sqweeks to the side, before ripping off one of his handles/arms.

"You think i'm afraid of you?!" Bella pressed on.

On the outside she was a fearless warrior but on the inside she wanted to run and hide, but Cade promised her that everything would be okay.

She noticed Sqweeks laying on the ground and stopped cold in her tracks. She felt like her heart had stopped beating.

"S-sqweeks?"She whispered. The little blue vespa was as still as death.

Her eyes trailed to Megatron's clawed servo, which was grasping his blue handle.

"YOU HURT HIM I'LL KILL YOU!" She screamed angrily, stomping her foot on the ground. She no longer felt afraid. She would protect her family, no matter the cost.

Cade ran up the side of the building and peeked around the corner, realising that the Cons were in the perfect position.

He opened the back door and ran up two flights of steps, while Izabella continued to distract them.

"Look at you, what are you planning to do to us? Cut our sparks out with your pigtails?" Megatron cackled, grinning evily.

"You shouldn't underestimate us." Bella growled, standing her ground.

"I do not underestimate fully grown fleshlings. You however, are a mere child." He smirked, taking a slight step forward.

Izabella's breath hitched and she took a step back as well, his threatening gesture having an effect on her.

"It seems you are not as brave as I thought." He chuckled.

"I'm not afraid..." She whispered, clenching her firsts and staring at Sqweek's lifeless body.

"It seems your rigid posture betrays that thought." Megatron said lowly, inching closer everytime he brought down one of her defences.

"Tell me where Cade Yaeger is, or any other Autobot for that fact!" Megatron bellowed, Losing his patience.

"If I knew, I wouldn't tell you." Iza growled, her nails digging into her palms, which had already started to bleed. The blood dripped off of her palm.

Megatron took a threatening step forward.

Izabella's fear spiked immensely and she was getting extremely anxious.

There were five Decepticons infront of her right now. What was she thinking when she agreed to this? But Sqweeks was in danger and that was what was driving her at that instant.

A slight movement from behind Megatron caught her eye. It was Drift.

Slowly, the red mech literally tip-toed as Izabella tried to keep all attention on herself, to distract the Decepticons.

"If you want to know so badly, you should just ask Cade then." She was only half joking, as she eyed Drift.

"I know that he knows you, idiot." Megatron rolled his optics in frustuation and straightening his shoulders.

"Call me an idiot again and you're going to wish you never met me you son of a bitch!"

"Such disrespect. I ought to teach you a lesson, human scum!" Megatron raised his voice. Both of them had started to yell at each other.

Drift gingerly picked up Sqweek's disabled form and disappeared behind the building, leaving no trace of his presence behind.

"This girl is giving us nothing, Lord Megatron." Nitro jumped in.

A long and suspenseful moment passed as Megatron pondered his decision to either waste his time for answers from the wretched girl, or find Cade and take the chance.

"Fine. Kill her." Megatron waved his servo as the others stepped forward to make their move on Izabella.

"We have Cade to hunt down anyways."

"CADE!" Izabella let her defenses down and screamed.

But the Decepticons never made it past the telephone lines across the road, because an ear-splitting explosion occurred, sending the Con's bits flying everywhere.

Cade had activated that bomb, with a simple twist of a handle.

Izabella ducked her head and shifted her body to the side, blocking her face from any debris that would have been flung in her direction.

Cade jumped out of the window of the building he camped out in, and onto the pathwalk next to the street. He ran for Izabella, grabbing her and forcing her to run with him as the Decepticons roared in anguish.

The pair made a beeline for the alley way Izabella arrived through, panting loudly.

"You threatened Megatron!" Cade wondered out loud.

"I think I did!" Izabella glanced over her shoulder.

Cade shook his head profusely.

"You're out of your mind! You're not going anywhere with me!"

FYI: Yes Onslaught is in this scene but he has no lines.

Also make sure to drop some requests so that I can publish moar chapters/scenes!

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