Tambakrejo Beach

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Tambakrejo Beach is located in Tambakrejo village, Wonotirto district, Blitar. The distance of the beach is about 30 km from Blitar, and it takes about 30 minutes until 1 hour to reach this place. With the winding road typical of hills that look beautiful. The access road to the beach is very narrow, so cars with large size can not enter. There are several derivatives that are high enough and long. For 4 or more wheel riders it is advisable to use a vehicle that is really strong for the climb, otherwise make sure the driver can drive in the mountain area. Because there are often cars that are not strong to climb a fairly high rise when coming home from this beach.

The tourists can start the direction of the journey towards the bus terminal of the city of Blitar from Kepanjen Lor. After that proceed with the use of rural transportation. The journey takes about 1-2 hours and operates until the afternoon only. Or you can also go to Kademangan area. From the bridge in Kademangan there is a signboard that shows the direction of Tambakrejo beach. You simply follow that direction to reach this place. Entrance fee for this area is Rp. 6.000/person, and for parking motor Rp. 1.000/motor and Rp 2.000/car.

When you come to the beach area, you will find a poster that can be considered quite horrible. The writings are quite large and plastered on this beach is...


The banner is made because there are too many victims who dragged the waves that led to death. I recommend to you who come to this beach, no need to bathe in the sea. The waves on the Tambakrejo beach can be considered quite large because it is directly adjacent to the Indian Ocean.

The view on the beach is very beautiful, clean and clear along 10 km. The sea waves around the beach are not too heavy and big. Tourists can relax in the beach area, but you can not to swim. Because the coastline is very steep at the end and the waves in the middle of the sea is very heavy when back into the ocean. Even often occur whirlpool, so it can drag the tourists who are swim on the beach.

This beach is divided into 3 parts, where the first part is at the eastern end of a sandy beach, then the middle of the beach with the breakwater and the westernmost is the beach that is currently being built ship dock. For those of you who want to get great photos on this beach, wait when sunset comes. Especially when the weather is sunny.

Fishing boats attracted the beauty of Tambakrejo beach. Because close to fishing village, visitors can buy direct fresh fish and enjoy it. Usually the fishermen will bring the fish catch in the morning. This fishing boat can also be rented. If you want to go to the middle of the sea and feel the clear sea water at a cost of Rp. 5,000 / person.

In addition to beach tourism, you can also enjoy a variety of coastal culinary specialties with the main menu of marine fish. There are many stalls that provide a menu of grilled fish on this Tambakrejo beach. Before ordering, it is advisable to ask the price first. There are also bathrooms and praying rooms.

The procession of the offerings in Blitar is held on the main beaches, one of them is the Tambakrejo beach. This procession is held in order to welcome the turn of the year in the month of Suro (Java Calendar) or Muharam (Hijri Calendar). In this procession, the expression of gratitude for the seafood obtained for a year, and the expectation to obtain good results without the obstacles in front. The symbol of gratitude is manifested in the form of great tumpeng containing the produce and the head of the cattle. Later tumpeng is paraded for further give to the sea. The tumpeng that have been prayed paraded toward the beach.

Arriving at the shoreline, the great tumpeng or gunungan was immediately lifted onto the boat to be dispatched to the ocean. First the boat carrying a 3 x spinning mound around the bay. Only then the gunungan drowned into the sea.

Beaches, Fish Market, Culinary, Pier, Pesanggrahan, and Culture, all of which are Tambakrejo's to maintain its supremacy. All of them are unity that has and will lead Tambakrejo survive to be the most favorite beach in Blitar.

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