1-The Beginning Bitches

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The reason i don't include MCR at the beginning is because i have a surprise. If you don't know who MCR is excuse me could you please leave. If i make spelling or grammar mistakes don't complain. Hopefully no one gets offended.  


Yo. My names Alexandra, but i like Alex better. I'm bisexual and live in an orphanage, going on ten years now. My mom died when i was really little at the hands of my dad. He was an abusive shit, and i had no extended family because all my grandparents died and my parents had no siblings. Sucks for me i know. I like to draw, and listen to music, that's basically it. I'm kinda boring cause i live in an orphanage and there is not much to do here. I have dark red hair and tons of freckles. Don't know if that was relevant. My favorite bands are twenty one pilots, panic at the disco, bring me the horizon, and fall out boy. Mostly fall out boy. I'm not gonna say anything cheesy like, 'they saved my life' but they certainly helped, a lot. 

 Alex's P.O.V

"BEEP BEEP BEEP", what the fuck? Oh, it's my alarm. I only set my alarm on adoption days. I don't feel like getting up but i had to. I really wanted to get out of this hell hole so i had to look presentable, i guess. I quickly stumble into the bathroom and start the shower. I didn't share a room with anyone (thank god) because everyone disliked my queerness. Whatever. I begin to undress and look into the mirror. My appearance is mediocre at best. I try not to dwell to much on the fact that i could be skinnier or that i probably didn't have to have scars on my wrists. They were from the past, back when i cared what people thought of me. I still have the blades. Just in case.

I take a quick shower and get dressed. I pull on a overlarge black twenty one pilots shirt and dark grey skinny jeans. I also but on my black jacket and dark blue converse. I started to walk out the door to go get breakfast. I walk past some girls who all gave me dirty looks. I flick them off and continue my course towards the cafeteria. I eat a small bowl of cereal and half an apple. I don't know why i'm feeling kinda nervous. I know i'm not gonna get adopted, i have barley been considered being picked since I've been here. Whatever, doesn't hurt to try right?

Patrick P.O.V

I take a deep breath as i walk through the doors of the orphanage. I was wearing a black leather jacket and a solid gray colored tee. I was also sporting black skinny jeans and my signature fedora and glasses. I had been recently divorced by Elisa. I wanted a kid and she didn't. I know stupid reason to split but it was enough. We're both really passionate people. I walk in and see a lady at the front desk. "Hello", she says as i enter, "Mr. Stump i presume?" I nod at her as she gets up and starts to walk to a door to the right. I decided to follow her though the door. We walk a while through a narrow hallway. We finally make it to a small room that had a single table and two stools on either side. There is a door on the other side of the room, most likely leading to another part of the orphanage. I sit down on he stool closest to me i wait a while until a boy around 16 walks in. 

Alex P.O.V

Once i finish breakfast, i make my way towards the small waiting room. The waiting room everyone goes on an adoption day. I sit down and put in one ear bud. I notice that there only kids from around 13 to 16. However is here must have a preference. They must have announced that before i woke up. "Hey bitch", i hear. I slowly turn right to look at who said it. Some boy, who i never cared to learn his name, gave me a small sneer. "Sup Jackass", i say back and turn back to my phone. I felt someone grab my arm. I turn back, and sure enough jackass grabbed my arm. "What did you say faggot?"

"Oh, sorry i must have been to quiet i said, SUP JACKASS"

"Ohhhh", he responded with a small chuckle. He began to raise his fist when, "Alexandra", yelled an employee. "Saved by the bell", I say to the kid who i still don't know what his name is. "Alex by the way", i say to the kid with fake kindness. "Bob", he mumbled back i nodded and practically skipped to the hallway i had walked down multiple time before.

 Patrick's P.O.V   

I have sat through around 10 interviews. They've all been the same. Strait, Not artistic, and listened to rap, pop or nothing at all. I wanted to have a kid that's a little different. I look up as the door opens to a girl around 14 walk in. She has red hair, green eyes, and lots of freckles. She's wearing a twenty one pilots shirt, and i think i can hear a leathermouth song coming from her dangling earbud. I smile a little when i see her eyes widen. Maybe she's a fan. She stumbles forward and sits down in front of me, still not saying anything, with her mouth open a little. "Hello, I'm Patrick Stump", I say outstretching my hand. She takes it and responds, "Y-yeah i know, Uhm, My names A-Alexandra, b-but you can c-call me Alex." Yeah a fan. Good. "Cool, can you tell me a little about yourself?"

"Y-yeah, I'm 15, turning 16 in March", It was February,"I've been here for around 10 years. My dad killed my mom when i was really little, i don't even remember it. I like to draw, and i can play drums alright. I like fall out boy a lot, i think you know that though. I also like panic, twenty one pilots, bring me the horizon and leathermouth. That's basically it, O i'm also bisexual."

I took that in. She seemed really cool. She was everything i was looking for, different, artistic, nice, and it didn't hurt she was a fan. I wanna do other interviews, but Alex was promising.

Alex's P.O.V  

Holy shit. It was Patrick Stump. He was just sitting there. Looking at me. What? I stumble forward and sit down. I take out my earbud which was blasting Leviathan by Leathermouth. We quickly exchange hello's and shake hands. Holy crap! i'm shaking Patrick Stumps hand. He asks me to tell a little about my self so i say some stuff. I kinda zone out and just focus on him. I really wanted to just explode and say how much i love him and ho much he's done for me, but i don't cause i really want to be adopted by Patrick Stump. The worker who called me came in and said that the time was up. I said bye and he waved at me. I basically ran back to my room i was on my phone for a while until a voice over the intercom spoke."Will Alexandra Spencer please come to the front packed, you're getting adopted", I jump up. What is happening? i'm fucking getting adopted by Patrick Fucking Stump. Amazing. I quickly pack and run to the front. Patrick was standing there. I walk up to him. I wave and then he hugs me, causing me to drop my stuff. He quickly picks up my suitcase and we walk to his car. I was a nice looking dark blue jeep. I sit in the passenger seat. He jumps in the drivers after putting my case in the back seat. We barely talk in the car but i have a feeling i'm gonna like it here.


For the sake of the story pretend Franks not in leathermouth. MCR doesn't exists yet, in the story. The timeline is really not gonna match real life.

Just roll with it. 

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