
37 1 4

Alex P.O.V

6 O'clock

6 O'clock is the time i had to wake up at to go to hell.

School has never been a high part of my life. Ever since 2 grade I've been bullied relentlessly. Mostly for my red hair but also for other things; skin tone (super pale), my freckles, my weight (not the lightest), and mainly for my sexuality. You don't even know how many times I've been called a fag. Once I hit High school everything just got worst. High school is the first time i wanted to actually die. However besides all this Patrick still made me go to Satan's den.

 I woke up and stumbled into the kitchen. I got coffee and a bagel and went back upstairs. I took a quick shower after i finished my coffee and disregarded my bagel. I got dressed in black ripped jeans, dark blue vans and a bat sweater. 

I walked back downstairs and grabbed my dark army green backpack the guys bought me as a "surprise" and slumped onto the couch. I turned on the television and waited for someone to come down the stairs and drive me to school. At around 7 Patrick came running down the stairs, pants half down, panting. "Woah did you just have sex or something", I asked. "No, i woke up late come on we got to get going".  After he said this i checked the clock. It was in fact, time to go to Satan's asshole. I switched off the T.V and walked out the door, Patrick trailing behind me. We jumped in the car and sped towards the local high school.  

Once we got there I felt dread. I saw the huge crowd in front of the school, the perfect spot to have a panic attack because of the sheer size of the mob. I walked around and saw more troubles. There was barely an alternative crowd. Because it was a new school I would have to start from scratch, even though there was barely anything to compare to anyway.

I walked inside because i needed my schedule. GrEaT, Math first. The bell rang to signal the start of school and all the students piled into the school. To everyone's surprise I got lost. I saw some short kid with a black flag shirt hanging out with another, taller, kid. I decided they were my best bet and walked over to them. I took a deep breath and spoke, "Umm H-H-Hello, do y-y-you know where M-M-Mr. B-B-Bernard's class i-i-is?"

"Yeah, actually i have him now. I can walk you in a second. You new", asked the short kid. "Y-Y-Yeah", i responded. "Oh well I'm Frank, I'm a freshman. This is Gerard, he's a senior but still my best friend. What's your name?", he asked kindly obviously sensing my anxiousness. "M-m-my name is A-a-alex, I'm also a F-F-Freshman", i responded trying to say as little as possible. "Nice name dude, hey Frank we can finish that conversation later. See yeah guys later", said Gerard while skipping down the hall. "Bye man, come on lets go, don't want to be late. Here let me see your schedule", he asked i handed him the paper while we walked down the hall. He took  picture of it and continued walking down the hall. "Good news we have most of our classes together and our lunch period is the same. Bad news is we don't have all our classes together. So after your class just chill out outside the door and i'll come get you to take you to your next class, kids around here can get pretty mean and you don't want to get hurt, trust me, sound good", he asked. I responded with a quick nod and continued following Frank, not wanting to stutter relentlessly. Schools give me heightened anxiety because of past experiences or something so I stutter a lot more. " Don't talk much huh", he asked giving me a quick glance. I shook my head and followed him the rest of the way to the class.


First off, I am so so sorry for taking so long to update. I've been in a creative slump plus i've been feeling pretty depressed so that sucks. I promise i will really try to update more regularly. Second off, The timeline and ages are WAY WAY off so I thought id clear that up.

Alex: 15

Frank: 15

Mikey: 17

Gerard: 18

Ray: 18

All the other guys ages are the same and its 2016 so mid M A N I A recording. Thanks

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2017 ⏰

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