2-Meet and greet jerks

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Alex's P.O.V

We began to walk to the house. As soon as Patrick opened the door i felt someone hugging me. The mystery man released me and holy shit, IT WAS BRENDON URIE." Holy crap you're breadbin, i mean beebo, Shit Brendon urie!"

"Yeah kiddo, but you can call me Beebo if you want. I kinda like that nickname."

" Oh, cool, you should be glad i didn't say your last name." He chuckled and moved over to where Patrick was standing, by the stairs. I assumed he already knew my name since he didn't ask. Next was Dallon in the small line of band members that was forming in front of me. "Hey daddy long legs", i said giving finger guns which almost immediately turned into fists by my side. " Sorry, I've been on the internet to long", i said kinda quiet while my face turned beet red. "It's fine, I've seen a lot too", he said with a chuckle. He gave me a quick hug and moved on to where Brendon was literally jumping up and down, rambling about something i couldn't quite make out.

I met all of Fall Out Boy, and was obviously star struck. Joe was funny, Pete wasn't nearly emo enough, and Andy was surprisingly talkative. After that Patrick took me up the stairs. We walked into a medium sized room. The walls were a really dark shade of blue, it was so close to black i actually thought they were for a while, The furniture was a dark grey color, and the bed sheets where blue with a white skeleton on them. Fairy lights where strung around the room in addition to an Edison bulb ceiling fan that illuminated a desk that had a laptop sitting atop it. There was a small book shelf in the corner next to a dresser. The bed was on the left, and the desk and two doors, which i can only assumed where the bathroom an the closet, where on the right. 

"Holy crap, this is amazing. Thanks Patrick!"

"No problem kiddo. Unpack and meet me and the guys downstairs when you're done", he said ruffling my hair a little. He set down my suitcase down and walked out, closing the goddamn  door. I immediately set to work.  

I put my clothes in the dresser, my comic books and knickknacks on the book shelf, and i put a framed picture of Brendon in a Jesus outfit, that i wrote god will save on, on the desk. I then put all my bathroom stuff in the bathroom, including the little black box that held my blades, just in case. I finished and walked down stairs. 

Everyone was sitting around so i sat down next to Patrick and Pete. Everyone immediately looked at me, which made me uneasy. They went back to chatting and i took out my phone. I was scrolling through my explore page when Pete stood up and proclaimed he was getting a drink and if anyone wanted some they should speak now. I politely asked for some water along with Andy and Dallon asked for beer. "Hey, i was thinking we could all go shopping tomorrow if you want to", Patrick said turning towards me. "Sure, i guess, i could go for some new clothes", i said back. Patrick nodded and turned back to Joe continuing a conversation i wasn't really listening to. Pete then came back into the room holding two beers and two bottles of water. He passed them out to Andy and Dallon and then sat next to me, handing me the other water bottle. "Thanks Pete", I said with a smug expression on my face. Almost immediately Brendon turned away from Dallon and Andy and Just screamed, "MEME'D IT!" Patrick and Pete both face palmed and everyone, including me, laughed. I like my new family.

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