Chapter 2

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I hated his attitude towards women, thinking he could get anyone he wanted but then kick them to the curb in the morning.

"Come on doll, lighten up. Let's just have fun tonight." He said.

"I'll lighten up, but only at the club. I'm not going anywhere with you while I'm sober." I replied.

"Well then, it looks like I'm gonna have to buy you a few drinks." I glared at him which only made him smirk more. "Come on, you know you want it."

"No I don't, because the next morning you will want nothing to do with me."

"Maybe, maybe not. It depends if you want to go for round 2 or not." He said, making me even more angry.

"Round 2? ROUND 2?" I shouted. "Is that all I'm worth?" I asked. "Oh, okay. Round 3. I like a girl who can keep going."

"No. Does the word girlfriend mean anything to you at all?" I asked. Not that I wanted to be his girlfriend, because I didn't. I just wanted to know that if it was to happen, or with any other girl for that matter, that there could be a chance that it's not for one night and one night only. The thing is, with girls, we need to know that we're special and not just someone men can throw away after one night.

"Not really. You should know by now I don't do girlfriends. They're clingy and tie me down. Maybe I just want a different girl every week, you know, change it up a little. But no with girlfriends getting in the way they will say that I can't fuck anyone but them and that's not fair. I don't want to be stuck with the same person all my life." His speech disgusted me to the point where I just ignored him until we got out of the car.

Once I got out of the suffocating car, I spotted Ava and walked towards her. "Hey, you're gonna need this." She said, handing me a plastic card with my name and a picture of me on it. The only thing that was wrong, was that it said I was 23.

"Why couldn't it say I'm 21? That would be more convincing than 23 considering I barely look 19." I told her, but she shrugged it off.

"Don't you think it would be a little suspicious if you were the exact age you have to be to get into these places?" She asked. "Don't you think it would be a little suspicious if someone looked younger than they said they were?" I retorted. She rolled her eyes and hooked her arm through Pete's.

"Shall we?" Brendon asked, holding out his arm for me to do the same thing Ava did. I rolled my eyes but done it anyway.

When we had finally made it to the front of the line, the bouncer asked for ID, but didn't particularly look convinced when he saw mine. It was fine for everyone else, they looked much older than what they were, but me...I had a baby face that made me look younger.

He let us in but didn't look too happy when Ava said I was with them and insisted we were all the same age.

"See, that was easy. The guy let us in straight away. No hesitation." Ava said, aiming it towards me.

"Easy for you to say, he didn't think I was old enough. You had to convince him to let me in. It's because I have a baby face, and you know it." I said. "You don't have a baby face at all. You look at least 3 years older than what you are." Ava tried to convince me.

"Yeah, you're totally hot. And I wouldn't have said that if you looked like an 8 year old, would I?" Brendon added. I glared at him once more.

"Let's just forget about that, we're in now. There's blaring music to dance to and alcohol to be drunk, which is what we also need to be by the time we leave." Pete spoke. "NOW LETS GET WASTED." A few people around us heard what Pete shouted and cheered, lifting their drinks up. Even though they were strangers, no one seemed to care. I suppose that's normal here though, to dance and grind on people you've never met and buy others drinks in hope to take them home.

Brendon pulled me towards the bar and ordered 10 shots. I was confused why he needed so many until he pushed 5 of them my way. "Why do we need this many? There plenty of other drinks we can have later." I asked.

"The more shots we have now, the quicker we will get shit-faced and the more fun this will be." He replied. I didn't really think much of it, so I shrugged it off and we started necking them. It soon turned into a competition of who could finish all 5 shots the quickest. Brendon won, of course.

"You're gonna have to be faster than that later doll." He winked, but I was too tipsy to care about what he said or what he was doing. I wasn't drunk, but I was definitely no longer sober.

The barman asked if there was anything else we would like, so I ordered a gin and tonic, while Brendon ordered whiskey. We talked for a while, probably not making any sense, but we didn't care. Only something like this could happen if I was under the influence of alcohol.

"So, what you're telling me, is Mike Wazowski only has one eye?" Brendon asked me, as if it was a scientific discovery.

"I know, I couldn't believe my eyes. Wait no, that might me eyeist." I said.

He started giggling really loudly, not being able to control himself. "What's eyes, wait no, eyest-eyesi...fuck, what's eyeist?". "I think it's when you have both of your eyes, but someone else doesn't so you say something but then they get all offended because they don't have both eyes, like Mike Wazowski." I replied.

"Oh, that's silly." He hiccuped. We were slurring our words, not having a clue what we were really talking about. "Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a cartoon before?"

"What? No, but it could be pretty cool." I replied. "I could be Simba and you could be Nala from the lion king."

"Why do you get to be Simba? you're the girl you have to be Nala." He whined, crossing his arms and stomping his foot, with a pout forming on his face.

"Because you seem feminine to me." I sung. "But if you really want to be male you can be Zazu."

"Why not Mufasa?" He questioned.

"Because Mufasa is too good to be played by you." I poked his shoulder and suddenly started laughing hysterically. At what, I hadn't a clue.

"Are you actually drunk?" He asked.

"Do chickens shit eggs?" I replied with a question. "What about you?"

"Do condoms stop girls from getting pregnant?"

"What the fuck? Why? Why does everything have to revolve around that?" I said, laughing. At the moment I didn't really care about him being a dick or talking about his dick, I was too drunk.

We laughed and talked some more, ordering more and more drinks until I couldn't stand.

"I'm drunk, but not as drunk as you, let's get you home...Or my house whatever you want." He smirked. I was tracing his arm trough his shirt and looking him directly in the eyes. "Your's." I replied.

He pulled me up off of the chair I was sat on and started walking us towards the door. "Look at me...I'm flying." I said excitedly, probably making myself look like an idiot. Little did I know that I would be much more of an idiot later on.

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