Chapter 27

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(I think this is in August now because graduation is supposed to take place in like May or something I think and that was at 6 months and it's 9 months now)


"Babe, I'm going out with Ryan, Jon and Spencer, will you be alright on your own?" Brendon asked as he walked up to me sitting on the couch. I was having yet another lazy day because I couldn't do too much with my massive belly getting in the way.

"Yeah, I should be fine. I'll call you if I need you." I told him reassuringly.

He smiled at me, but it faltered slightly. "What if you go into labour, or you fall over and hurt yourself or the baby? Oh god, I shouldn't leave you on your own. I'll call and cancel."

"Don't worry Bren, I'll be fine. I shouldn't need to get up unless it's to go to the bathroom and the due date isn't for another two weeks. We have plenty of time." I replied.

"You sure?" He questioned again.

"Positive." I reassured him. He quickly pecked my lips and pulled the fluffy blanket over my shoulders before going to the front door and leaving.

I could see him just sitting in his car for a while through the window of the living room. Soon after I received a text from him, causing my lips to curve into a smile and a giggle to escape my lips as I lightly shook my head at the thought of my worried fiancé.

'R u sure u don't want me to stay?' It read.

'Yh I'm sure.'
'Me and peanut r fine.' I text back.

He said bye and I saw his car pull out of the drive way.

I had the tv on, but I wasn't really paying attention. I couldn't exactly tell you what I was watching because I only used it as a background noise as I scrolled through social media on my phone. I was mainly on Instagram, liking a few pictures of the people I followed.

I eventually became bored and decided to call my mom. She answered immediately.

"Is everything ok, are you in labour?" Was the first thing she asked me. I didn't even get a hello.

"Well hello to you too." I replied, laughing. "I'm fine I'm just bored and wanted to see how you are, I haven't seen you in a couple of days."

"I'm fine and so is your dad. What are you up to?" She questioned.

"Nothing much, just watching tv but not really watching it. Brendon's gone out with his friends so he told me I'm not allowed to move from the couch because he doesn't want me to fall over or anything." I told her.

"It's good that he's still making time for his friends, neither of you will be able to do that much after the baby comes." She told me.

"Thanks for that mom, that's really assuring." I spoke as I rolled my eyes.

"Your welcome." She said in a joking manner.

We continued talking for a few hours until we decided we had nothing left to talk about and we hung up.

It was around 1pm now and I was starting to get hungry, so I decided to make myself a late lunch. Brendon said he was going to get home at around 3 as they all decided after they had lunch that they wanted to go to the studio that Pete paid for them to use to go over some of their songs and re-record some parts they thought sounded wrong. They hadn't finished the entire album, but they said they were going to take things slowly at first to allow Brendon to settle into parenthood. The quicker they finish the album, the quicker they go on tour if the album does well, and we all knew that Brendon wanted to spend time as a family for a while before his career took off and he ran out of time to do anything on his tight tour schedule. Pete also knew this and supported Brendon and I.

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