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It's been three days since Logan attacked me. The guy from the shop brought me home and told me to keep quiet about what happened. I asked him what if someone noticed and asked. He responded with, " Tell them you got jumped and someone rescued you. No you didn't get a good look at the guy." Luckily, no one has noticed, but I have to go to school today. That means I will run into Logan. I don't want to see him, not after what has happened.

" Luna, you're going to be late for school." my father says from the kitchen.

" I'm leaving now."

I pick my bag up off of the floor and head down to say goodbye to my parents.

" I'm off to school."

" Are you okay? We've not seen you all weekend except for at meals." my mother says.

" Yes ma'am. Lots of homework. I should get going."

I turn around and rush off before anymore questions are asked. I can't wait to get this day over with.


" Good morning class. Today is Monday, not Friday. I hope those of you who went to homecoming had a great time, but we are back and everything or anything that happened on Friday to Sunday no longer matters. Move on from it. Now, everyone turn your books to page one hundred and ten."

Mrs. Eden goes on to teach about something. I can't seem to focus on her teaching because my mind goes to wander about what happened to me Friday night. Move on from it? I was almost hurt in a way that I would not have allowed anyone to do, especially Logan. Why would he try and do that to me? Why does he want me? I don't like him like that. He's just some popular guy who thinks he can get and have whatever because he has the money. Newsflash, you're not everything!

" Miss Hale, are you with us?"

" No ma'am. I'm sorry, may I please be excused?" I ask.

" Why?"

" I'm not feeling well."

" Go to the nurse." she says.

I gather all of my belongings and exit her class. I don't think I can do this today. As I am walking to the nurse's office, I run into the guy from Miss Mary's shop.

" I am so sorry."

" Don't worry about it." he says.

" I never thanked you for what you did Friday."

" It's nothing. I didn't want you to get hurt. Did anyone ask about it?"

" No. I basically stayed hidden the whole weekend." I reply.

" Oh, well I hope you are okay."

" I'll be fine."

" That's not what I want. You need to be good. Just forget what happened if you can. It might be hard, but no one is going to believe us. He'll deny and we have no proof." he says.

" What about my neck?"

" Did you take a picture when you got home?"

" No." I say.

" See, no proof. It's pretty much gone now. Just avoid Logan as long as you can and if anything happens try to get someone's attention. He won't do anything if there are witnesses."

" So, just let him win? Is this how it's done these days? He attacked me and no one can help stop him from attacking anyone else."

" What do you want us to do..." he says stopping as he realizes he doesn't know my name.

" Luna and something is better than nothing."

" Alec and well I have an idea."

" What is it?" I question.

" No, you wouldn't do it. She wouldn't do it."

" I'll do anything!"

" Even fight?"

" Fight? Like fist fighting?"

" Yes." he says seriously.

I don't say anything. What could I say?? "Yes, please teach me how to fight because next time this happens there might not be anyone around and I'm not trying to get raped or killed by some psychotic guy." How is that going to sound to the police if I get caught?

" Exactly what I thought. See you around Luna."

Alec walks away from me and disappears before I can catch his attention. I walk to the nurse and make sense of what Alec was saying to me. Could he really teach me how to fight? Would it work? What could I do? What should I do?

Unfortunately, the nurse could not send me home because I did not have a fever, but she did allow me to stay in the office until lunch time. She emailed my teachers and told them what was going on and not to mark me absent. By the time it was lunch, I was starving. I didn't have any breakfast and rarely ate over the weekend. I thank the nurse and head to the cafe. I get a chicken sandwich with a few sides and try to find a seat. I finally find a seat and eat. I can't help but think about Alec teaching me how to fight. I would like to do something besides nothing. I wish there was a way for me to tell him.

I quickly finish my lunch so I can head to the library before my next class. As I am throwing my tray away, I see Alec with a few guys. I rush over and get his attention.

" What do you want Luna?" he says in a harsh tone.

" Teach me."

" Teach you what?"

" Teach me to fight."

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