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It's three-forty in the afternoon. Logan came in here this morning gave me breakfast and lunch before leaving for school. He didn't seem mad about what happened last night, however I am. I can't let him see that I am mad about it because now I need to find a new plan to get in touch with someone. With nothing to do, I have had a lot of time to think and plan. Logan should be home soon which is both a good and bad thing. If he comes home, I won't be alone and if he doesn't, I'm still alone with no way to get out.

Twenty minutes later, I hear the door open downstairs. He isn't alone. I hear two more voices. Alec's and Steve's. I get excited! Alec is here. I can try and get him to see that I am here. This is just great. I hear Logan coming up the stairs.

" Yeah, give me a moment to grab my book."

Logan unlocks the door and comes in. I run into his arms giving him a big hug.

" I'm so glad you're home."

" You are?" he asks.

" Yes. It was lonely without you being here."

" Well, then, I'm sorry to do this to you."

" What do yo-..."

I am unable to finish what I am going to say because Logan hits me across the face. I fall to the ground incapable of moving by myself. He picks me up and sets me in the chair tying me up again and putting the bandana around my mouth.

" I can't let them hear you love. We can talk after they leave okay?"

Logan kisses me on the cheek and grabs his book before leaving the room. This is not what I had planned.


Hours and hours go by it seems before Alec and Steve leave. Alec came up a few times and almost came into this room once when Logan called for him. I was so close to being saved, but nonetheless I'm still here. I need to go to the bathroom badly. Logan opens the door and walks over to me. He unties me all the way and hands me an icepack.

" Are you okay?"

" Bathroom."

" Go ahead." he replies.

I head to the restroom and relieve my bladder. As I am washing my hands, I look in the mirror and see the bruise that is now on my face. I start to cry while thinking how much of a monster he is. Logan calls asking me if I am okay, so I go back to the room.

" I'm sorry that it took forever. Alec kept trying to get me to come out tonight. Luckily, I talked him into coming tomorrow night to the gym."

" Hm." I reply putting the ice on my face.

" Since I won't be home tomorrow, I have decided to allow you to go to school. You're gonna need to get caught up on everything."

" Okay."

" I want you to go to Miss Mary's after school."

" Why? You know she'll know something's up." I tell him.

" No, cause I have a really good excuse. You got into a fight last night with some hobo and you got hit by him really badly."

" No one will believe you."

" Sure they will. I used that excuse a few times when I did fighting."

" Then why didn't I go to school?"

" I told you to stay home and sleep it off."

" Okay."

There is silence for a few minutes until Logan gets up. Being alone has now become a fear of mine, so when I see him get up, I get up and wrap my arms around him.

" What's wrong Luna?" he asks.

" Please don't leave me here again. I can't be alone another minute."

" Come with me downstairs. I'll make us some good dinner and then you can get some rest for tomorrow."

I nod and we head downstairs. Logan makes us some burgers and I eat it really fast.

" Slow down love. You'll eat again. I told you I wasn't going to starve you."

" I know, I just want to eat." I say to him.

" Luna, we need to talk."

" About what?"

" Us. I want us to be us again." he tells me.

" I don't know about that right now Logan. You hit me today and yesterday you slapped me. You hurt me."

Logan stands up and wraps his arms around me.

" I know I did and I am so sorry. I wish I could have take that all back. I would if I could. I promise you I will never hurt you again. I promise you that all the way. I don't want to be a monster."

" You're gonna have to earn my trust again Logan. My FULL trust." I reply to him.

" Okay."

Logan picks me up bridal style and kisses me right on the lips. He carries me up the stairs and into the bathroom. Logan places me down and turns on the water to the tub. He fills the tub up with water and places bubbles in it.

" I hope this is a step to my apology. I want to earn your trust again Luna."

" Okay."

" I'll go get your pajamas ready for afterwards." he says before exiting out of the room.

He thinks he can earn my trust, but after he hit me I don't think he can.

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