i don't understand what's so amazing about lightning

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"So did you fall in love with me yet"

I choked on air (which I didn't think was physically possible), jumping from the source of the noise.

Blushing furiously, I turn to her "What! I-I barely know you!"

"I'm Marinette"

"That's not what I mean"

She slipped her hand into mine while I'm still stuttering with my cheeks heating up. Her hands are small, I think absently, before pulling away from her. "Please don't touch-"

"Sorry, what did you say? You're so quiet"

"Don't touch me" I say, my voice trying to reach out to her.

She looks at me, as if she's in thought, before speaking "Okay Adrien!"

And then Marinette pranced off to class as I stay still, shell-shocked. Was this girl serious? No...that's not possible...No way could Marinette actually like him.

She was the sun and I, the moon. I'm so small and only shine in the dark.

Marinette is burning with passion.

And crazy...She's burning with crazy too.

Walking to the classroom, the whispers started to die down. I guess people either began to disbelieve the rumor or accepted it. Suddenly, I heard a clap of thunder. It was going to be one of those days, I suppose. No performing. No walking by myself. Just sad rain.

"Adrien!" Marinette shouted as I walked into the room, she ran up to me while pointing at the window, "The clouds are crying and screaming" her voice went much lower. For a second, it looked as if Marinette was sad. Maybe he misread her though.

"They have to cry once in awhile" I respond before going to my seat. I usually had a desk to myself, but for some reason, there was already someone sitting there with an orange flannel. She smiled like a child before giving a friendly wave.

As I sat down, the girl put her hand out to me and said, "Adrien Agreste...The whole school says you're gay".

And then I slam my head onto the table.

I don't like attention very much so that probably wasn't a good idea.

I can hear Marinette and Nino snickering like...like...snicker-ers.

I'm not very clever.

I turn my head to face the girl and whisper, "I don't think anyone wants to know how my father reacted with that when he thought I was gay". Her laugh was really loud, but not in an obnoxious way. In a very warm way.

"I'm Alya, and I'd be a very accepting father"


Sometimes I feel like the class is the same every day. The teacher speaks, Nino says something stupid, everyone laughs, the teacher continues to speak and so on. People pay attention. People don't. People go to the bathroom and use their phone. People go to the nurse to take unreasonable naps. I doodle in my notebook while listening to the TV static that is my classroom.

It's different this time though. The thunder. The sound of rain hitting the streets. Frequent flashes of lightning.

And then there's Marinette. Watching the whole thing.

She hasn't looked away from the window and I have to admit, it's kind of strange. She is very strange though.

Should I ask her why? No. I don't need too. But I do like questions! No. I shouldn't waste her time. Maybe she won't mind! No. She probably does. But, she likes me... No. No one likes me.

Why am I having arguments in my own head?

Because you're anxious as fuck.


I look back at her and she's writing in a very exuberant manner. She sees me looking at her, and I turn away, scratching my nose.

And then the bell rings.

And then Nino and Marinette leave.

I go up to the windows and rest my elbows on the ledge. Maybe if I continued to watch the lightning I could understand Marinette a little bit more. She was a mystery after all. The impact of the rain sounds like feet in a crowded subway station, minus the voices. The thunder sounds like timpani drums. Lightning...Just looks like flashes of light. This was a waste of time.

I was thinking that Marinette would come back in this room any moment, like some predictable scene from a movie. No one ever came. It's just the rain and I sharing an indecipherable conversation.

Walking out the classroom, I make my way to the doors. Marinette is standing there, having a conversation with a boy. His hair makes him look like an emo tomato. She does looks more excited that she does when we talk. She probably is.

She must have been joking about likely me. Not that I care, those weirdos deserve each other.

The emo tomato blushes and looks at her like she's the sun.

Like...Like she's the sun.

"MARINETTE IS GAY!" I shout at the boy before running into the rain.



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