Chapter 5

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"Do you wanna come in?" she inquired quizzically. I followed her into the bakery, it was beautiful. People chattered exuberantly while waiting in line and children looked at the multicolored macarons. Frank Sinatra played in the background. Nothing beats a local bakery in France.

I started fumbling for my wallet but she put her hand on top of mine, " It's on the house". I smiled at her and she smiled back. She's very cute. Well, I always knew this. Everyone knows this. Marinette is a heartbreaker. But now, I'm noticing even more. The way she blows her band out of her face and wrinkles her nose. I'm heating up just thinking about it oh dear lord.

"Maman, two eclairs and a dozen of madeleines to go!" She shouted while skipping to the counter. I sat in a booth. I wanted to stare out the window but once again, what am I? A cliche? Instead, I glance over to Marinette who is getting scolded at for skipping the line. She laughing and her mother is trying to keep a straight face. She might as well give up, Marinette's laughter is contagious.

I'm right, of course. Her mother starts laughing and Marinette comes back with the eclairs and a paper bag. She slid into the other side of the booth. Marinette was they type of person that you can never understand just by watching them. She was different. Not necessarily bad. Not great either. Just, interesting.

"Why..." I started, thinking about how to phrase this "Why do you like me?"

She stared at me for a second with a blank face. She opened her mouth and then closed it. She opened her mouth again...and closed it. "Well...uh, this is embarrassing..." and that was the first time Marinette reacted in a humane way.

Her ears turned red and she smiled sheepishly, "That day I made you laugh was the first time I heard you laugh...Then I realized that I wanted to make you laugh for the rest of my life"

Nevermind she's definitely not human.

"When you sing, I don't feel any emotion but've been showing them to me. I want to hear you laugh. So laugh more."

It's my turn to blush. It's my turn to turn into a puddle of mush. It's my turn to fall in love.


I never thought people could hate Marinette.

It never came to mind.

But today I realized that you either love her or hate her. Alya has come to love Marinette. It's not surprising.

Sometimes I forget that people who voice their opinions are going to be tormented. I'm not a talkative person. I like to think that it's my charm. No one hates me. No one knows me at all. Well, they know me because of my father's reputation but, that's it.

I was in Physics class today (Alya isn't in the same class as me...this is relevant to what's going to happen) and Marinette was absent. I was disappointed at first. Then I was confused on why I was disappointed.

Kim was ecstatic. He pranced into the classroom and said, "Marinette isn't at school and that means that no one else has to listen to her feminazi shit for the whole day!".

My first thought was, no one is going to agree with that.


This other guy joined in saying, "she bit me once because I told her that marching band wasn't a sport and said that track was just running in circles!"

I wanted to stick up for her. Of course I do but, my throat starts to burn and my hands start to sweat. One part of me keeps saying do something, stick up for her.

And the other part of me is scared.

"Come on Kim, you're just jealous because Marinette is so much prettier than you", I look up to see Nino with his classic smirk. Thank god for Nino.

Kim laughs back and the conversations dies down when the teacher walks in.

I'm such a coward.

Someone like me could never stand up for what I believe in.

That's why nobody hates me.


I get a phone call and excuse myself from class. It's an unfamiliar phone number.


"Fall in love with me because when school ends it'll be too late"

And then she hung up.

Girls are so confusing.

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