i like the sparkles in her head

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Starting my college career was surely something. I feel like ever since high school ended I've been putting myself back together slowly. I want to be someone that can change young minds. I want to become a physics teacher. I'm minoring in Music and Society.

I really wanted to live on campus. It would be nice to get away from my father. It's not that I hate him or anything, I just need to be free. To fly away like a bird. But if you noticed me using past tense this did not go as planned. My father did not want me to leave the house so I guess I don't have much of a choice. At least I don't have to worry about leaving my books. These little boys definitely couldn't fit into a freshmen dorm room.

Nino decided to wait a year before going to college. I asked him if it was about the money and he said no. I think he's lying but I shouldn't push. I hope he's okay. Nino's been trying to get a part-time job but accidental applied to one in America. I don't know how that happened but now a Stop and Shop in New Jersey expects him to be there tomorrow morning and he's most definitely not going.


Oh, my phone!

"Hey, buddy are you free next week?" Nino's been trying to get out of his dude phase but ended up calling me old sport because of The Great Gatsby and now is proceeding to call me buddy. I need to find him a new catchphrase.

"Saturday I'm taking a tour of the campus and Friday I've got a concert in the park. I think I'm free otherwise"

"Is the concert free"

"Of course it's free, no one would actually pay to see a high school graduate sit in a park"

He did the signature Nino laugh, "I know someone who would"


"You know, the girl who stalked every one of your performances and learned your schedule"

I mimicked Nino by doing his signature laugh and I could pretty much hear him pouting through the phone.

"I've gotta go now"

"See you later buddy"

Today is going to be a great day.

I'm going to have a great school year.

I think,

everything might turn out fine.


I have my concert today. Maybe my dad might pay some people to come watch me. That'd be nice.

I didn't want to bring my stool so I decided to play on the floor. Surprisingly there are people standing there in front of me. Waiting and watching.

I take a deep breath and I don't control the words the words control me.

I love San Diego because my heart is there

I love San Diego and the sweaters that she wears

I love Paris France

That's where we met

I love bluebell eyes

And the color of rainy skies

I love San Diego because my heart is there

I love San Diego and midnight hair

I love the cosmos

On your legs

I love the sparkles

In your head

Can I ask for my heart back

It hurts a little

Just a bit

But it's not so bad

I look up at the audience. There are at least fifteen people here.

Someone with rainy day eyes stands up.

And for the first time in his life....Marinette was speechless.


"So you came?"

"Of course I did"

The book store was so quite you could hear a pin drop.

"So did you fall in love with me yet?"

"Of course I did"

Marinette had always made the first move. If she didn't talk to me I assumed she didn't want to or rather hang out with other people. I was always scared of approaching someone that was so approachable. If I hadn't over thought every single thing I might have no been too late. Am I still too late?

I'm an aspiring songwriter.

I want to write about love.

I've been in love.

I've suffered through heartbreak.

I've never had my first kiss.

"Marinette...Can I kiss you?"

She looked at me the way everybody wants to be looked at by the one they're in love with. She looks at me like lollipops and sugary sweets. I bet she taste like it.


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