ch. 15

402 22 19

Sehun knocked on the door cautiously, he knew there was a party going on, but it was only fair to give her a present and say Happy birthday.

"Ayeee.... Sehun!?" You laughed and brought him in for a quick hug. "What are you doing here?" He stepped inside and smiled brightly handing you the present.

"Happy Birthday Y/n! And you said I could, so here I am~" She punched his shoulder lightly.

"You didn't have to get me anything" He gently placed his arm around her shoulder.

"I saw it and thought of you!" Slowly opening the bag, you see a pastel blue hoodie.

"Queen... well the hoodie doesn't lie" You took off your flannel, only left in a tank top so you could slide the hoodie on.

"Its summer, why would-"

"Hush, let me enjoy it" She placed the empty bag next to her flannel and pulled him to the kitchen, the party taking place outside.

"Are people going to think we are a thing?" He sat down in one of the chairs and watched her take a rootbeer out of the fridge. She slid it to him sat down.

"Probably, they say that about every guy I bring home. Not in that way, it was usually when we had a school project to work on... I'll shut up now" She blushed and put her face in her hands.

"You know, Suho is missing out. I know he is really excited for later" He patted you on the back and smiled.

"Y/n! Where have you- well hello there sexy" Your best friend smirked as she looked between you two.

"We aren't dating, just good friends" Sehun confirmed, taking a drink of his soda. "And sorry, I don't date anyone who doesn't have a better ass than me" He shrugged as your friend glared at him.

"Like I would date you" She spat. You giggled softly.

"I don't know April, he's got a nice ass. It's got like a circumference of 180°" Sehun smirked proudly, taking another drink.

"If anything, I would date Y/n, cuz that was is fine" You groaned and pushed his shoulder.

"Shut upppp" April rolled her eyes and scoffed at you two.

"You two are gross" She stormed out of the room as Sehun began to laugh really hard.

"She gets so jealous even though she has a boyfriend" With that, Sehun fell off his chair, holding his stomach as he started crying.

"I- dying- hel- HAHAHAHA"


Yah, daddyy
Sehun is on the floor crying.


Because he saw a flat ass.

Is he with you?

Jelly?? ^3^

Hotel it is.

You wot mate


Better be kinky~

Only for you baby girl

(A/N: will be smut either next chapter or chapter after that ;))

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