Chapter 1

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Lani Andrews has been my best friend since we were 7 years old; my family had just moved in across the street and I was lying in my new room wondering what it would be like to start 2nd grade in a whole new town. Out of the corner of my eye I had seen a flickering light through my window. I had gotten up to see who was making such a racket at 10 at night and sure enough, Lani and her brother Jason were jumping all around in front of the window trying to get my attention. When she caught me looking she waved excitedly and motioned for me to come over. I had shaken my head giggling, knowing my mom wouldn't like that.

When Lani's light turned off I thought that was the end of her shenanigans and had climbed back in bed only to be woken up a few minutes later by knocking on my window. I remember jumping out of bed and peeing myself. My room is on the second floor! How was I supposed to know that Lani had climbed the oak tree in my front yard and was sitting on my window sill? I fumbled with the latch and Lani pulled the window open and hopped into my unpacked room. Before I could stop her she found the light switch and flicked on the overhead light. When I opened my eyes after the minor blinding that happens when something bright is shined in your eyes unexpectedly I caught Lani looking at my nightgown. I had quickly grabbed a pillow and covered myself, blushing like a tomato at the thought of her catching me wet myself. I thought she was going to mock me and call me a baby like other kids would. Instead she walked up to me, grabbed my little pinkie finger in hers and whispered "It'll be our little secret"


And she's never broken that pinkie promise.

That's what I was thinking about during the 5 minutes I had before my alarm clock went off, signaling the start of the first day of my Junior year of high school.

When my phone finally did start playing that god awful song Happy by Pharell Williams I buried my face into my pillow groaning, only to be met with my horrible morning breath.

Not being able to handle it anymore, I sat up and turned off my alarm clock. After I stretched I spent about 5 minutes staring into space thinking about nothing in general until the urge to pee compelled me to finally get up.

A quick shower and 2 bowls of cocoa puffs later I found myself standing in front of my closet unhappy with the selection. Junior year was the year. You couldn't just show up on the first day in jeans and a sweatshirt like sophomore year, and you definitely don't want to go over the top with a dress. And stairs plus skirts equals disaster. Ugh. The struggles of being female.

About 10 minutes before I had to leave I decided on a pair of black jeans with the small rips in the knees that I knew I didn't have the legs to pull off paired with an army green jacket over top of a tan tank.

After quickly brushing my hair and deciding that there wasn't enough time to tame my wild brown locks, I grabbed my brown booties and phone then took the stairs 2 at a time skipping downstairs. My mom was sitting at the table, sipping her coffee while scrolling through Pinterest. When she heard me coming she pointed at the counter towards a steamy looking travel mug filled with what I hoped to be my hot herbal tea.

"Omygosh! Mom I nearly forgot, where would I be without you!" I said grabbing the cup and walking to the front door. I was nearly to the driveway when I realised something.

Rushing back in my house my Goddess of a mother was standing in the entryway holding my booking and keys. I awkwardly took my belongings and wished her another goodbye before once again walking out the door.

"Dead, you would be dead without me!" I heard my mother call from inside, making me smile.


"Carter! Omg there you are!" Lani said rushing towards my car before I could even open the door all the way, "I heard Shawn and Emily broke up and that Evan and Krista totally had sex last week. Oh and that Greyson's cousin from Texas transferred and he's supposedly a total hottie and-"

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