Chapter 4

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After dropping Dylan off, I went home and collapsed in bed. All that racing had tired me out, and it's only 9 o'clock.

When we were finished eating Emily's delicious food, we just goofed around the track. We played an intense game of hide and seek mixed with some freeze tag.

I had been hiding behind a bush when I noticed Dylan, who was "it" at the time, spotting me. I had taken off running as fast as my little legs would allow me to, heading in the direction of the tin shack. I thought I was going to get away but right before I reached my new spot, I was tackled from behind. Landing with an "Oof"

Laughing and groaning at the same time I had turned onto my back to see Dylan hovering above me, "Gotch ya," he said laughing, the spearmint smell from the mints that Emily had so thoughtfully brought along fanning my face. Smiling, I tried pushing him off so I could get up, "Not so fast sweet tart, you're frozen, remember?" he told me pining me to the ground again.

"Not fair!" I huffed struggling against his grip, eventually giving up once I realised it was useless.

"Jeez, someone needs to grow up," he smiled looking down at my pouting face, "and that same someone also needs to grab another mint," he had said.

He did not! The nerve of him! Ugh... I kicked him in the side with my free leg and he rolled off of me laughing. My breath is fine! I thought. But just to double check I huffed on my hand and sniffed... Okay maybe I could use another....


My phone broke me out of my thoughts. Ugh. I just wanted to reeelllaaaxxx.

Speak of the devil, it was Dylan who was calling, I decided I should answer since he left his football hoodie in my car and was probably looking for it.

"Hello?" I asked groggily into the phone. I was so tired. Thank God tomorrow was Saturday.

"Hey, um, I was wondering if you've seen my sweatshirt? I think I lost it," he said. I could hear the question in his voice.

"Oh don't worry, I found it in Melvin when I got home," I reassured him through the phone.

"Why doesn't it surprise me that you named your car?" he asked laughing.

"The real question is, why haven't you named yours?" I shot back.

"Touché," he said making me laugh, "so listen, I was wondering..." he started but stopped.

"Yeah?" I asked shifting onto my side in bed, adjusting my phone in my hand.

"Well I mean its only if you want to, it's just that I had a good time today and-" he started babbling so stopped him.

"-cut to the point Dylan," I said interrupting him.

"You wanna come to my game next Friday?" he asked breathlessly, "and maybe if we win then we could maybe, I don't know, grab a slice or something?" he finished quickly. Oh my gosh! He enjoyed the date! I sat up quickly, surprised. And the fact that I was being myself the whole night made it even better. Take that Lani!

"Oh so there is a next time," I replied teasing him, making up for the embarrassment for when he mocked me at the track.

"Yeah... I guess I decided to keep you for just a little bit longer," he said getting his normal cocky attitude back.

"Fine. But remember I'm paying," I gave in. How bad can it be? I love watching football, and I especially enjoy eating pizza, plus I had no doubt in my mind that our team wouldn't win. We were the best in the whole friggin state for 2 years running!

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