Chapter 5

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"We're only using 2 class periods to work on this kids, one of which is today people!" Mr. Matthews practically yelled at the whole Biology class, "Now I'll let you pick your partner-"

He was cut off with cheers from the class, "but only because this is outside of school homework," he spoke above us, "anyways, as I was saying. You'll be working with the stages of mitosis. You'll have to...." Yada yada ya... He drowned on. I was too worried thinking about my partner to listen. I got completely lost once he mentioned prophase and anaphase... I have a solid 2 friends- Lani and Jason, neither of which were in this class. I've worked with a few of my fellow classmates on assigned pair projects but never got close to any of them. These type of situations always stress me out. Maybe I should extend my social circle a little more.

"Hey," I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around I saw Josh grinning at me, "wanna be my buddy? Dylan stole Shawn from me," he asked. Wait what? Josh wanted to be my partner? Who cared if I was 2nd choice? I had someone to work with. Thank the Gods!

"Of course, but were you listening? I was a little zoned out while he was explaining," I admitted blushing. If he knew me better, he would realise that Science is definitely not one of my strong suits and pick a different partner. With such a cute face, he could have picked any of the girls in this class and not receive a no.

"Oh yeah, I already started taking some notes," he said handing me his notebook. Wow. Cute and smart, what did I do to earn this attention?

Oh right.

Decide that I was going to make Mr. GoldenPants fall in love with me. Don't forget about the mission Carter! Dylan first, then Josh. Right.

"Hey I actually just had an idea," I said pushing back his notes that I had skimmed over. This might just work. And once Dylan realizes how good I am with his friends, he'll start to like me more! And who said I needed some dumb folder to get him to fall for me? "What if we worked in a group?" I asked him cautiously, "that way we can all work together and get it done faster, then just turn in our work in pairs," I explained with a hopeful look on my face.

"Oh you mean with like, Dylan and Shawn?" he asked sounding a little uneasy.

"Well yeah, I've heard that Shawn is a total science whiz and that Dylan is a great history buff, which we could totally use to our advantage when it comes to the essay on Apoptosis," I bartered. I didn't want this to fail. It was the perfect opportunity show my talent in writing with Dylan and completely charm over his friends.

"I mean, I was actually hoping we could do it alone together, but that does sound like an offer too good to give up," Josh said smiling at me. Yes! Now we just have to get the other 2 to agree.


Which turned out to be not so hard after all. Josh simply asked and they totally agreed.

It was now Wednesday and I was standing with Lani and Jason in the lunch line waiting to pay. As soon as I thanked the lunch lady and took about 3 steps in the direction of my table I felt a hand on my shoulder. Turning I saw Dylan smiling at me.

"Hey, you should totally come sit at our table today," he said with a big grin. When he probably noticed my uneasiness of the idea of sitting next to my best friends ex boyfriend in front of a cafeteria filled with students who live on the taste of drama he added, "so we can talk about that Biology project ya know, its due Friday and we're only half way done."

How could I argue against that? That would just make me look like one of those kids who don't do any of the work and that is so not me. So of course I had to agree, "sure, why not?"
I said and started following him towards the Elites table. I caught Lani's eye and shrugged my shoulders helplessly. She just gave a big grin and gave me shooing motions. You'd think she'd be a little upset about me sitting with her ex boyfriend. Since he, ya know, tore out her heart and threw it in the trash. Wow. That paints a nice mental image.

When I got to the table, I had about 8 pairs of eyes on me. Some were friendly, like Alice and Josh, but most were looking at me out of curiosity. Probably wondering the same thing as all the other students looking in my direction: Why is she here?

"Okay guys, this is my friend Carter, some of you know her as Lani's friend," Dylan started and scoffs could be heard across the table, "but I promise she stands on her own, don't judge her for other peoples mistakes, she's actually a pretty cool gal," he finished smiling down at me. Other peoples mistakes? You mean your own mistakes bucko?

Swallowing my loyalty to my friend momentarily I sat down between Alice and this kid named Chad, who had red hair, styled nicely to make him look more hot than nerdy. I tried not to notice him scootching a couple centimeters away from me. So this is how it was going to be I see. This is going to be harder than I thought. And why don't I see any Biology books?


Short Chapter. I know. But Im needing some filler chapters so this doesn't end up being a 15 chapter story.

What do you think Chad's intentions are with Carter? I do wish they got some alone time together, they would make such a cute couple!

Anyways hope you enjoyed my boring chapter...(you should vote even if you didn't)

Til next time,


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2018 ⏰

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