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I have this strange desire to drink something, I'm not sure what, It's kinda metalic on my tongue. Wait! What am I doing here, the last thing I remember was being beaten to death. I opened my eyes to see Harry next to me, watching me sleep. I sat up and shuffled in my spot. "Whats happened, Harold?" I asked, I swear my words came out like I had a lisp. No, I can't be, He wouldn't let me be. I touched my teeth with my finger as I felt a prick, I have fangs. "Harry, What happened?" I whispered walking up closer to him.

He wrapped his arms around me, and hugged the life out of me (literatly), "I'm so sorry, I had no choice, you was dying" He told me and I nodded hugging him tighter. I didn't want to let go. "I'm sorry, you didn't want me to turn, I've ruined everything" I sobbed into his shoulder, he moved me away so he could look at me "I did want you to but I didn't because, I didn't want you to live like me" He said, I looked at him, then down to his lips, I bit my lip while staring "Don't do that" he stormed, and I looked him in the eyes "Do what?" I smirked still biting my lip, the next thing I knew, I was flown up against the wall, my back hit the wall hard but I felt no pain. Harry was stradled over me. "You have no idea how long, I've wanted to have you" His raspy voice whispered into my right ear as he began to suck down my neck. I moaned at the sudden contact making him smile into the crook of my neck. I wasn't touching the floor, My feet were lent against the wall as my legs bend, Harry inbetween my legs supporting me up. He held my arse with his bold hands, "Do you want me, Holly?" he whispered into my ear, I giggled at his question, "More than anything, Harold" I whispered back. He carried me over to our bed, laying me down. He led himself inbetween my legs, he was fiddleing with the hem of my top getting ready to pull it off, "Harry, Holly" Louis shouted up the stairs, If he read minds, i'm sure he would of known, - what we were doing.

"We'll finish this off later, You should probably eat first anyway" He smiled to me and I nodded. I'm a Vampire, I'm going to go kill and I'm going to lose my virginity in one day. Wish me luck.

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