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I've been locked up in a cage, yes a cage for three days now. Apparently there is someone who wants to meet me, that's why they haven't killed me yet. No ones came looking for me, I didn't want them too but I have tried speaking to Harry again through our minds but nothing has happened, I think something drastic has to happen so we can do that in distance. I don't have a clue who wants to talk to me.

I haven't ate in three days either, I need to feed, otherwise i'll go crazy. My skin feels itchy, There doing this on purpose, they like to see me suffer. I hate being here. The first time since being a vampire I feel cold, My heart feels like stone and my head is heavy. I feel like my body is shutting down, but when they let me out of here, I'll rip off - No, No I won't I promised that I wouldn't fight back otherwise more people will die, I have to die.

The cage door opened, and Nathan came waltzing in, "Now, Were going to show you our plan, before we kill you that is" Nathan seethed to me, What plan? I thought this was just happening, this wasn't planned was it? "If you haven't realised yet, you were betrayed" Nathan smirked, Betrayed, by who? I stood up but nearly fell over - I'm so weak, Nathan caught me before I went head first into the floor. I looked up at him and he smiled, he was staring into my eyes, I looked down at the floor and Nathan coughed slinging me over his shoulder, What was that about?

I was dumped onto the cold floor in the basement, "Stay here" Nathan told me, not looking at me in the eyes again. "I'm sorry about this" I  swear I heard Nathan whisper. I must be just thinking things. The next minute all the boys came in. "So Holly, Do you want to know our plans before you leave us" I looked up at Siva who just spoke and spat at him. "Remember the deal" Tom spat and I looked back at the floor.

"Well there was never going to be a war" Max started, What yes there was, Dawn she told - The next minute I saw white hair come into view, She lied to me. "Hello Babe" Tom spoke kissing Dawn on the cheek. Shit, How could I have been so foolish, Of course she was with one of them, that's probably how they found us. She would of never took of the bond spell between Layla and Max.

"You see, we knew you would of never wanted to kill all those people, so we knew you'd give yourself up" Nathan spoke looking at the floor, Why does he look so guilty? "Theres more isn't there" I quietly spoke, "Yes" Nathan whispered and stepped back and Layla came into view. Oh No. I grabbed my hair and started to pull it, How could I have been so stupid, of course she was working with them still. Why, Why does my good side always block my judgement of people.

"I'm sorry Holly" Layla whispered and I just sat their looking at my feet. "Are they still alright?" I cried, looking up at the six people infront of me, Nathan nodded, "We won't hurt them, We promise" Nathan whispered, They ust wanted me. "Now we have told you, Light up for us, Red" Max seethed, I'm not giving them the satifaction "I have to be angry" I lied. Max huffed "Fine".

Max and Siva left the room. When they came back they were holding a beaten up Niall?! "Now you light up for me, otherwise you'll be the cause of his death" Max spat to me, I looked up at Nathan and he was just as shocked as I was. "You promised you wouldn't hurt them" I cried, standing up, "What are you doing? This isn't our plan" Nathan spoke; Max and Siva just galred at Nathan who put his head back down. "Well we lied" Siva snapped to me.

I started to heat up, I knew I was on fire now, everyone stepped away from me. "Theres a good girl" Max seethed and they chucked Niall to the other side of the room who then disappeard. I felt someone touch me on my waist the next thing I knew, I disappeared, I was running, I looked next to me and Niall was smiling through his hurt face, I smiled back to him. He helped me escape. He made himself invisible and saved me.

But Now what will happen? They'll come for me, Surely a war will start now.

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