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After staring in the mirror for what seemed like ages, I turned around to face Harry, Louis and that girl. I counted to ten, whenever I was little my mother use to tell me to count to ten when I got angry and if that didn't work count again. So that's what I did. "Holly, I'm so sorry" Harry burst out and I ignored him, 1,2,3, "Holly, are you ok?" Louis asked me and I didn't answer I just carried on counting, 4,5,6,7. I realised that I was just staring at them, They all gawked at me, the girl Harry slept with was smirking at me, she was making me more angry. 8,9 "Who is she anyway" The girl sneered at me, 10. "That's it" I shouted, I was about to leap onto the girl but someone grabbed hold of me and then they cursed "Shit Holly" I turned around to see that Louis grabbed me, I looked down at him and saw his hand were burnt, I just hurt Louis. I looked over to Harry who had hold of the girl, I forget that Louis could read what I was thinking. "Is this it?" I spoke quietly, I knew my flames were dying down, I stopped feeling hatred, I was just hurt.

"I love you" Harry spoke and that killed me, I know that he is just saying it but what about 'the mate thing?' has that been lost cause i'm a vampire now, Does that change it? Do I have to be mortal for him to love me? Cause I still love him but I can't keep feeling like this, it feels like a one sided relationship. "I loved you" I quietly spoke but I knew Harry could here me, "Can I say goodbye to the others?" I asked and Louis nodded as Harry just stood there with his head down.

I ran downstairs to see everyone there now. I hugged Perrie, we didn't really talk much but I'm still going to miss her, "My precognition is that you will marry Zayn and have a wonderful life" I whispered into her ear, she smiled as we pulled apart, this was the last time that I would see these, so i'm going to tell them what I think about them.

I walked to Eleanor and hugged her soon to whisper in her ear "Louis is a great man, keep hold of him even when things get hard, he loves you dearly and he will never leave your side" She smiled at me and nodded,"Goodbye" She spoke to me, wiping a tear from her cheek.

I walked over to Liam, Poor Liam has fallen in love but has always fallen, I hugged him, he was like an older brother "Next time you find a girl, you should love not fall in love because everything that falls gets broken" I whispered into his ear and he hugged me tighter.

Niall my little food monster, I hugged him, he always knew how to cheer me up, "You will find her and when you do she will be as obsessed with food as you are" I smiled and he chuckled on the end.

I moved over to Zayn, who put his drink down, I hugged him tight, he was one of the first person I met although he did try and kill me, "Zayn, I want you to take a risk, I know you've been wanting to so do it" I whispered into his ear, and whispered into mine, "I won't forget you" and I hugged him even harder, I let out a tear, but he wiped it away for me.

I walked over to Louis who was also another first person I met, I loved him so much, I loved everyone. He hugged me before I could he was taking the life out of me, "I want you to look after yourself, You being here was enough inspiration for me" Louis whispered into my ear and I smiled as we let go.

Harry was stood at the door frame, Should I? I looked to Louis and he nodded. I walked over to Harry, I didn't hug him, I just looked him in his jade eyes, "Everything Happens for a reason" I spoke and with that I turned around, "Good bye" I spoke and they were watching me leave. Harry moved out of the way, he didn't try and stop me, as soon as I left the house, I ran, as fast as I could - the tears started to burn on my face, It stung, Now I had to fend for myself with no clan, no friends, no family as a newborn. I don't think London is ready for me...

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