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It looked cold outside but I couldn't feel it. I already had cold skin because I'm dead. Harry said, I would change personality was that just so he didn't want me to change, I don't feel any different except the desire to drink blood. We have been looking around, I'm walking around with Harry, apprently when they hunt, they hunt in pairs. It's Perrie and Eleanor, Louis and Zayn, Liam and Niall and Harry use to hunt alone, not any more.

Apparently, you don't choose who you kill or meet. It's destined there going to die. So that girl down the alley, she was going to die that night, Louis and Zayn had to walk around until they smelt a certain smell which tells them that's who they've got to kill, it's rather confusing. But when I get a smell I know I have to kill the next person that comes round the corner.

It was a Friday night, so there were people partying. "You ok?" Harry asked and I nodded "Just nervous" I spoke, It was weird I had no problem with killing someone, I had no guilt. "Harry, How come I can't feel guilt about doing this?" I asked him looking down at my feet. He laughed slighty "I told you, your personality changes - It's in your nature now, you won't feel guilt" He chuckled, I was about to say something but I smelt something, "I think my preys here" I said to Harry and he nodded "Go for it" He smiled to me.

I stood up and heard giggling round the corner, I ran over to the side and saw the back of a girls head walk past me. She smelt familiar, she had Vera Wang perfume on the one Bailey use to always wear. No - Please no, It can't be. Please be someone else. I started to walk behind her and she turned around, She was drunk and it was Bailey. I had to kill my best friend. I can't do it, I turned around about to run away but I felt this pain in my head. Forcing me to do it, I have to.

I'll make it less painful, Oh Bailey why didn't you stay in tonight? I knocked her out and she fell to the floor, She was out cold. I bent down and sunk my fangs into her neck, I started to drain her dry. It tasted so good, It was like heaven. I started to cry, I'm killing her and now she's dead. I stood up and wiped my mouth, Harry came up behind me "It's good right?" He questioned not knowing who Bailey was. I looked at him and he saw the pain in my eyes. And with that I ran off, I'm going home.

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