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I haven't been good in the last week or so, I can't even remember what day it is. I just know that I'm alone. I haven't stopped thinking about Harry, he's probably forgotten about me - No he can't the bond thing we have. I have found this small cottage in the woods, no one lived there, well they don't now. I already fed today, it was a teenage girl, she was about 16, I didn't like the fact I had to kill a teenage girl but I couldn't help myself but Now I don't feel any guilt, I don't feel anything except emptyness. I do remember how I felt love but that's when i'm with Harry, But then again I felt Anger when I'm with Harry. I need to keep control of my temper, I know how to do it now but it's a secret.

I took one of Harry's t-shirts with me, I don't know if he knows I have it but I love the smell of him, I need to forget him. I pulled his t-shirt over my head pulling it down noticing it went just below my bum cheeks - I'm not expecting any visiters so it doesn't matter. I pulled my frilly white socks over my size 7 feet, I had big feet for a girl. I walked downstairs and turned on the radio, I didn't have televison signal in the forest just radio. It was 'Ciara - Like Boy' started to play, I started to sing along and dance, No one could see me.

Knock Knock, Whos that? I guess I could drink someone else. I walked up to the front door, as I opened it - I felt a force pushing me to the other side of the room. My back slamed against the wall. I looked up to see a girl standing infront of me. "What the fuck are you doing" I shouted standing up, I felt my body start to heat up, I lit in flames. That's when her blonde hair turned blue and snowflakes started to fall from her hair, Her eyes went from brown to icy blue. She was ice and I was fire.

"You really light up the room, don't you?" She smirked, I stepped closer towards her, "What do you want" I snapped at her, "I'm only doing my job" she gritted through her teeth at me, "And what would that be?" I asked, staring into her cold eyes. She smiled wickedly "To kill you" Who wanted to kill me? "Who sent you?" I asked and she started to think "I might as well tell you, your going to die anyway" She started "It was the wanted clan because you killed Jay and they want revenge" She added, Why would they send her? she can't kill me. "Oh yeah, You can't kill me though, We'd both die, Fire melts ice, Ice turns into water and puts fire out, there would be no one standing" I spoked and she nodded, I walked into the kitchen not afraid what she would do.

I turned off the radio "What's your name anyway?" I asked as I walked into the front room of this damp cottage. "I'm Layla Heart created by Max George" She spoke and sat down next to me, We both died down. "How old are you?" I asked and she looked at me,we both sat on the couch folding our legs "I'm 563 but I got turned when I was 19" She spoke and I nodded, "What about you, I only know you killed Jay" She said and I nodded, "Well I'm Holly Cole and I'm 17 and only just turned about a week and a half ago" I said and she looked suprised, "Your a newborn, If you don't mind me asking who is your creator?" She wanted to know, I took a deep breath "I was dating a vampire because he was my mate or something then the wanted clan nearly killed me and he bite me to save my life and now, he doesn't feel the same about me because well I don't know why, and he's called Harry Styles" I spoke, tucking my knees into my chest, I started cry again, My tears burned my face but I knew the scars would disapear soon. Layla moved closer to me and hugged me, "I don't want to kill you, I don't like the wanted clan anyway" She spoke fairly and nodded to angree with her.

"How about we start our own clan, We're Fire and Ice, We could work together really well" Layla suggested and I thought about it, It would get my mind off things, I wouldn't be alone and we could kill the wanted clan, "That's a great idea" I spoke and she laughed. "First of all we need a new house" She spoke and I nodded, this place was too damp, the old man that lived here was dying anyway his blood didn't taste too nice, it was quite bitter.

"You do know the Wanted clan are going to be after us, they'll be able to trace me, well Max will" She spoke, What your creator can track you? "So Harry can track me?" I wondered and she shook her head "No, Max put a spell on me by a witch, we could try and get her on our side if you like" She asked and I nodded, "I guess we better get on a head start" I spoke, we both stood up. "Were do you wanna go?" she asked and I thought about it, where did I always want to go. "America" was my final decision.

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