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Alfie's POV

"Ok I think you can honestly say I have the hardest I mean a ukelele of all instruments. Why can't it be something we can spell at least?"

"Alfie look come on we all have to play our part!" Eddie said

"Okay so ukulele. Where do we find all our answers" Amber said staring at the book of Isis.

I grabbed the book and flipped it open

"Q. R. X. T. V" I read

"Nina no need to worry you but someone has stole U" I said

"Thanks for telling us Sherlock!" A voice said

"Thanks guys" I said hurt

"Shush" Eddie said pressing his ear against the door but no sound came out and then he looked through the key hole and no one stood there

"Creepy Towers!" Patricia stated

Nina then collapsed to the floor clutching her mark

Nina's POV


All us Sibunas stood in Eddie's room talking but from the other side of the door Fabian stood listening his eyes changed colour he was clutching a piece of parchment in his hands it zoomed in to say U.

Fabian then went upstairs and handed it to Mara who rewarded him well. My body was then taken up to the attic where the dollhouse flung open with a room lit up and words flying around and around my head

~End of dream~

Everyone was crowded around me knowing I had seen something

"Fabian has it he has U"

"But the dollhouse also lit up so it could be telling us something so we need to get both things asap!"

Everyone nodded. Amfie went to Mara's room. I went to the dollhouse while Peddie was covering for us or in other words and excuse to sleep!

Eddie's POV

My eyes fluttered open from my 10 minute sleep to find my Yacker sprawled on top of me with her aurburn hair tickling my face and her face touching my chin

"What you looking at?"

"You!" I fired back

Patricia got off me touched her glass and instantly dropped it and held onto her mark

I rolled her sleeve up and words lifted from from her mark

"Purple may sieze to fail . Fail is no option in this world. You find the necklace that has been found and call me. Hearts shall be weighed only the smartest will discover the clue of the riddle" I read as she stared at me

"Its an anagram! " I said writing it down and matching the words up

"No way! I got it!"

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