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Eddie's POV

I looked through the keyhole and saw Mara and Fabian linked together leaving looking very pleased with themselves

"Well what do we do now Osirion!" Patricia said before sitting next to a box on the floor

"I don't know but we got to get out of here!" "Nina is in trouble " I said sitting besides her

"Eddie. Do you think we will die I mean he is Anubis he has the most power!"

"Not if I have anything to do with it" I said and Patricia put her head on my shoulder and I pulled her closer to me and she whispered in my ear

"I love you" I smiled and said "I love you too"

Patricia then curled up to me and started to close her eyes as it was 11:30pm. So did I but we were both awakened by the secret passage way opening without Nina's locket

"Save her Osirion! Go!" A voice said and I got to my feet and pulled Patricia up.

"We got to go through here now" I said letting Patricia go in front of me

We both climbed out and found ourselves in the kitchen. We ran to the door but "Locked" Patricia said

"Stand back" I warned her stepping back for a run up. Then I ran at the door and kicked it open and sprinted outside onto the grass with Patricia beside me

I saw Anubis. Horus and Isis with Nina and Mara closer to the hand

"Mara you have done well now free the boy"  I knew they ment Fabian

But where was he.

Nina and Mara we close approaching. I sprinted towards Nina and was pushing her away but she was under somebody' control so I pushed harder to get her away but she wouldn't move

"Let her go!" I shouted to Anubis

"Oh no Osiris has sent the Osirion! He has no power over us!" Anubis remarked and he dragged Nina forward and lifted her up slightly into the skies

"Nina!" A voice screamed from behind me which was Fabian.

"Take Mara leave Nina" Fabian pleaded

"Osirion! The rings used to free the Chosen One" I knew what it went so I ran inside and into the attic in three different areas of the attic I found a ring. One marked Isis. One Horus and the other one Anubis and when joined together Osiris can stop them

I got them and ran outside and pulled them from my pocket and was forming them

I made a triangle which began to glow in front of me. They caught sight of them

"Osirion don't you!" But before he could finish I started to say it

"In the name of Osiris I banish you" Then Horus disappeared

"In the name of Osiris I banish you" Then Isis disappeared

Leaving Anubis

"In the name of Osiris" I began to say " I banish-" But before I could say the last word Anubis house began to wobble and bits fell off.

People were still inside screaming and running out so I said it quick

"In the name of Osiris I banish you!" I shouted and Anubis vanished but Anubis still shook so I ran inside with the others to use my Osirion powers to hold it.

I grabbed the walls and slowed it down but it was still vigourus and a chandlerer fell on Victor making me try harder to stop it

Fabian's POV

I waited outside if Nina came back. I thought it was over until the skies began opening up making a figure appear

"Is that you Nina ?"

(A/N What do you think? Was it Nina? Is Anubis going to fall? Is there a Fabina?

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