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Nina's POV

The door handle was turning but I grabbed Amber's hand and pulled her into the secret room and Patricia grabbed Alfie's while Eddie pushed the dresser across when I finally heard Fabian enter

"Was Nina in here?" He said in his softest and sincere way

"No what makes you say that?"

"I just thought I heard her sweet voice"

I can totally see through his little plan of trying to manipulate me

"Hey Neens" Amber said

"Come over here" Amber said taking my hand and taking me over to a similar chasm

"What is it?" "Is this what you wanted to show me?"

I said while turning away but I felt warmth wrapping around me making me turn back

And floating in the air was a message from Isis

" Identify the opponents weaknesses"

And it vanished

"Of course! Sankhara got to me by my weakness which was my gran but who is his weakness" I said

I heard Eddie pushing the wardrobe away from the door saying it was clear and he helped us up one by one

"I got it his weakness is books! He is a book worm right?" Amber said

Eddie looked at me like have I missed something

"Oh.. Amber your such a blonde! Can't any of you see" Patricia said but we all looked at her confused

"Fabian's weakness is Nina did you see how soft and sweet he went when he heard you" Patricia confirmed

"Yeah and he was talking about you and his eyes were the bluest yet but when he left he got aggressive and his eyes turned evil. You bring out the good in him!" Eddie told me

"So time for a plan?" Alfie said with a huge smile on his face

"Go on Alfredo do your worst!" I said and he started to explain his plan and for once it was a good idea so we got in to position


Sorry it was a shorter chapter the next chapter will put Alfie's plan into action

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