I'm Sorry - Shay x Reader

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Heavy boots made the ground sink in, little by little with each step. The wind carried soft white flakes as the figure walked on. The bitter cold nipped at their cheeks and bones, but it didn't matter.

Blood stained the pure white snow in a trail, some spots heavier than others, almost as if someone had collapsed a few times; struggling to get away.

Then the trail stopped and a larger pool of blood surrounded the smaller figure.

Clutching in pain, trying to breathe while maintaining consciousness, I felt everything around me, slowly fade. My vision blurry, my thoughts hazed as I tried my hardest to concentrate. I was on my knees, leaning over and trying to cope; I had been shot and I was losing tremendous amounts of blood.

"Argh!" My breathing quickened, trying to keep pressure on the wound as my hands shook.

He was approaching... I could hear him...

The man slowed his pace, coming to a complete stop a few feet away from me. I could feel his gaze upon me, unmoving as he watched me suffer.

I smirked, a bit of blood leaked from my lips, "I taught you well... Shay"

Shay's gaze softened, as if to show mercy, "It didn't have to come to this... I didn't want this!" he sounded conflicted.

"And... how well did that work for you?" I retorted. Having acted too harshly, I coughed out blood, more red spots, splattering on the snow.

I was dying, no doctor would be able to help me and I knew better.

I could hear movements against the snow as he approached even closer. Having no strength to defend myself or try to fight back, I stayed in my position.

"Why did you take that bullet for Achilles?" He asked.

I didn't answer, my eyes stared at the amount of blood I had lost. There was no going back.

"What does it matter to you?" I coughed. Little by little, I could feel myself slipping into unconsciousness.

"Answer the question!" He sounded angry and almost... Desperate.

"Heh... It... Wouldn't have... Mattered... If I... Didn't" I replied.

"Why do you say that?!" His voice chocked, threatening to crack.

I smiled, slowly turning my head to stare up at the man I loved so much, "I was... a dying woman from the start, love... I'm lucky to have made it as far as I did..."

Shay's eyes widened, "You what?" He whispered in disbelief.

"I'm sorry, Shay..." I felt tears brimming against my eyelids. I could feel my body tilting, not able to keep myself stable. But before my body hit the ground,  Shay caught me, the smell of leather, gun powder and sea salt filled my senses from his Templar uniform.

With difficulty, I tilted my head to look at Shay and my heart broke. Tears were threatening to fall from Shay's eyes as he stared down at me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He pleaded, wanting an answer.

With the last bit of strength I could possibly muster, my hand raised up to his stubbled, cold cheek as I caressed it lovingly, "It... wouldn't have... Changed anything..." I coughed and wheezed, feeling my end was near, "But Shay... Please... Know... That I... Loved you... With everything that I am... And that I wished... We could have... Had a life... Together... Even if... We weren't fighting on... The same
... Side..." Tears coming down in small rivers, I sobbed and wheezed, "I love you... Shay... Patrick... Cormac"

Closing my eyes, my last breath passed through my lips as I let go... My hand falling from his face on to the ground...

I was happy the last thing I got to see... Was the man I loved...

Tears falling from his eyes, Shay closed his eyes, unable to cope that this was really happening.

This was it. I was gone... Never to return again...

Covering my face with my hood, Shay whispered his last words to me, "...Rest in peace... My love"

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