You're Reckless Pt. 1 - Jacob x Reader

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I read through page after page, sitting quietly with only the sound of the train; moving along the tracks. My body shifted slightly as the train would wobble from side to side, but it didn't bother me. I felt like I was being rocked gently and the feeling could very well, put me to sleep.

I had been waiting up for quite some time for my husband and partner in crime to arrive back from his nightly escapades and as clear as anyone could see, I was very much unhappy.

"Jacob… You damned, Bastard" I cursed under my breath.

I didn't ask much from Jacob, sometimes Evie would even question why I was so lenient with him. It was because I loved him and didn't want to restrict him to always being with me. I understood he still wanted to have fun and have a drink with the lads down by the bars…

But Jacob took it too far this time.

I asked him to come home a little earlier this evening as I had something I wanted to speak to him about. Now that Starrick was dead, we could finally look into settling down and having a life of our own… We often spoke of it and wanted to be able to have children one day… Why not now?

I sighed, as I looked away from the book and rubbed my tired eyes; maybe I should just go to bed. Jacob could sleep in the other cart tonight as I was no longer in the mood to even be near him.

Just then, I heard a pair of footsteps jump on the roof above me.

'Never mind…' I wasn't looking forward to this - I knew this would only end up in a fight and, being Jacob, he would leave off to do something to stupid and reckless such as getting terribly drunk or starting fights with leftover Blighters.

It made me so, unbelievably angry when he would come home with a black eye, cuts and bruises all over his body - it was almost as if he didn't care if he came home that night. Feeling my anger rising, I took a deep breath to calm myself as I waited for Jacob to come through the door. I shifted my gaze back to the book - wanting to ignore Jacob before I lost all control of my emotions.

I brief sound of something opening and closing, along with heavy boots walking towards me, indicated he was here.

"Hello love" he was acting as if there was nothing wrong, and it made me even angrier as he kissed my temple. I didn't react, causing him to raise a brow.

"You're late…" I muttered, as I kept my gaze on the worn out parchment, clearly annoyed with the youngest Frye twin.

Taking note of my remark, Jacob frowned slightly, "I'm sorry, I didn't realize I had a curfew" he scoffed.

"You were supposed to be home over two hours ago" I said, trying to keep my anger from bubbling to the surface.

"What are you, my mother?" he joked as he took off his hat, placing it on the desk.

That. Was. It!

I threw my book to the adjacent shelf, shattering glass ornaments and causing the wood to fall to the ground in a broken pile as my temper completely flared, "Don't you DARE speak to me that way!" Jacob was completely caught off guard by my sudden outburst, "I ask nothing of you, Jacob Frye. NOTHING. But the one time, I ask you to be here a little earlier in the evening so I speak to you; to be with your wife for god's sake, you dare try to insult and mock me?! What are you, a child?!"

"Why are you so angry?!" Jacob began to put up his defenses, his temper beginning to rise.

"I'm angry, because you're unbelievably reckless! Every time you come home, I am constantly having to stitch you up and when you leave again, you make me wonder if it's the last time I'll see you again! Why can't you move on? WHY can't you grow up?!" I screamed, I was almost positive Evie, Henry and everyone on this train could hear us in the next carts over, but didn't dare come in to try and diffuse the situation. Death would surely greet them if they tried.

"I don't understand why you're acting like this? Yes, I do still brawl for the fun of it and yes, but I'm trying to rid London of the rest of those damn Blighters! Is that not good enough for you? Why can't you see I'm trying to make sure London is completely free from any Templar order?!"

How dare he pull that on me…

"Oh yes! By coming back home, late at night, drunk almost every Goddamn evening with the clear bruises and cuts on your face?" I scoffed.

"What? So I can't have a drink with the lads after our victory?!" he was acting like a complete Bastard!

"It's EVERY night, Jacob!" I raised my voice again.

Jacob rolled his eyes, turning his back to me.

At this point, we became silent… Until tears began to flow down my cheeks and I spoke the words that would forever edge into Jacob's mind and heart.

"Jacob… You make me wonder… How can I possibly trust you to be a father when you're barely there for me as a husband?!" in sudden realization at what I had just secretly told him, he began to turn around, completely stunned at the news. But before I could give Jacob a chance to rebuttal or try to apologize, I didn't want to hear his excuses; my heart couldn't handle another empty promise. I quickly turned around and made my way out of the cart, slamming the door as tears fell from my eyes, making me wonder why I ever said 'yes' to him in the first place…

*I'll note: I LOVE Jacob, so this one was a little hard for me to write, making him a bit of a 'bad husband' and a jackass, but I had this idea pop into my head and his personality fit this scenario a little too well. BUT there will be a part 2. I promise, all of my one shots won't be all doom and gloom ;)

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