You're Reckless Pt. 2 - Jacob x Reader

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I leaned my arms on the iron railing in front of me as I looked down at the small lake, the water slowly passing underneath the bridge.

I had run out of tears to shed and I was even more exhausted than before. After my fight with Jacob, I just left and found the closest place I would be able to have peace.  

The night was quiet; clear sky showcased the stars up above as they shined with delight. A few stray city folk walked about Kensington Park. Lovers holding hands, sneaking secret glances, stealing sweet kisses… It was one of the most romantic parks.

I glanced over to a young couple, as they whispered sweet nothings, embracing by a tree as they would laugh and smile to each other.

I sighed, looking away, 'Stupid, Goddamn, Jacob Frye.' I was angry, and rightfully so. But I was also hurt… I felt like Jacob lied to me those years ago when we married…


When did Jacob and I lose interest in each other? Lose the love in our eyes and the hope in our hearts? Where did the spark go?

…Maybe he realized he wasn't ready to settle down

…Maybe he would have preferred if we hadn't gotten involved at all?

…Or maybe things would be better and we could just cut ties right here, right now and pretend none of this ever happened. I'd leave for Crawley and he could stay in London… A free man on the prowl for his next thrill...

But, things weren't so simple.

I leaned back a little, but kept one hand on the railing while the other, caressed my stomach, rubbing little circles around it.

Of course it was very early in the stages, Ms. Nightingale informed I was three-four weeks along. Of course, I told no one yet, not even Jacob. This is what I wanted to speak to him about tonight… But it ended up in a fight and me not wanting to go back to the train. Maybe I'd look for an inn to stay - I wasn't ready to face Jacob, nor the others.

Sighing, I let go of the railing, and made my way across the small bridge, pulling my hood over my head as I made my way into the deeper depths of London…


"Here you go, ma'am!" the young, friendly innkeeper handed me the iron key to my room.

"Thank you" I quietly muttered, my tired voice giving away that it had been a long night, "Good night" I said, respectfully as I made my way towards the room.

It was a nice, quiet inn. Nothing special, but I only needed a place to lay my head for the night. The sound of my boots were the only sound as I carefully walked up the wooden steps, making my way to my room. Using the key, I unlocked the door and made my way inside. Closing and locking the deadbolt and doorknob, I sighed, leaning my head against the door, feeling tears build up in my eyes.

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