Chapter 1: The Beginning

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*beep, beep, beep, beep*

Astarna woke up to the sound of her alarm clock, she rolled over and put it on snooze.

She was half awake while she thought of what was going to happen that day.

"Hmmm... Chores, get ready and school field trip..." She mumbles while yawning and falling back to sleep.

"Oh My GOSH it's the day of the field trip!" She practically jumped out of bed and ran into the shower.

"I have waited months to go on the field trip and finally see the legendary science lab." She thought to herself.

She was mostly excited to see if the legend of the Movioba was true or not.

"Honey don't forget to eat breakfast!" Her mother yelled to her from the downstairs office.

"Thrash is picking me up today and we are stoping by the brew to get something to eat!" Astarna yelled over the sound of her hair drier.

"Alright I just put $1000 murels in your account. Will that cover the cost for breakfast?" Asked her mother.

"Yeah it will thanks!"

She ran out the door after putting her make-up on with the newest model of the morning flash which was the easiest and fastest way to put on make-up. It was totally in style.

"Hey Thrash sorry I kept you waiting. I woke up then fell back to sleep and not to mention the fact that I took a long shower and..." Thrash put his finger on her lips.

"It's OK you look beautiful." He gave a dashing grin and put his lips on hers.

"Thanks." Astarna said. "Is it ok if we go get some Fretyu and maybe a muffin?"

"Forgot to eat breakfast again, ehh?" Thrash asked rhetorically.

"I couldn't help it I was so excited to go on the trip today that I was up late last night and I just couldn't sleep. I guess I "caught up" on that sleep this morning." She answered

We laughed and continued driving to the brew.

"Hey did you know that the drink that we call Fretyu was formally called um co-coffee?" Thrash stuttered the word.

"The people of the past had weird names for everything." Astarna laughed and tried to say it like Thrash.

They arrived at the brew and went in to get breakfast.

"Oh no there's Dean. He's the creep who tried to hook up with me after I got my drink last time I came here with Vina." thought Astarna.

"Hey can I get one medium Fretyu with a blueberry muffin?" She looked down hoping he wouldn't notice her.

"Good Morning Beautiful! Is that all I can get you today? Because I know I would totally love to kiss you right now." He leaned over the counter and I walked back to Thrash's side.

"Dude what's the matter with you? Are you hitting on my girlfriend?" Thrash said furiously.

"Chill out dude I was just pointing out that she should be with me instead of you Trash." Dean said in a taunting manner.

"Dean stop it's not funny." I said

"What are you seriously going to side with that idiot?" Dean said while sliding his hand down my back from across the counter.

"Get your hands off of me!" I screeched

That pushed Thrash over the edge. I reached over, grabbed our stuff and pushed him toward the door.

"C'mon Thrash let's get out of here." I said giving an extra hard nudge.

After we got in the car and Thrash and I sat in silence until I spoke up.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know he would be there and.."

"Was that the creep you were telling me about the other day?" Thrash asked while trying to keep his anger in.

"Yeah. How did he know your name?" I looked down nervously and upset.

"He is an old family friend." He said it like he was remembering things of the past.

I looked down nervously and upset.

"Hey, it's ok. I know exactly why he went for you. You are absolutely gorgeous and have the best personality. I just hope he knows that if he even looks your way the next time we go there he will need to take a visit to the hospital." Thrash said going from gentle to firm.

"Well he better not do that." I laughed and opened the car door as we arrived at school.

"Oh and thanks for the complement." I said closing the door.

We walked into school with his hand on my side and his arm around me. Everyones eyes were on us.

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