Chapter 5: The Plan

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I couldn't help myself. My inner-spy was showing. Now it was time for me to think of plan.

Plan 1:

Step 1: Go through all the doors.

No no no that won't work! No one will be there to open the doors and that would ruin all chances of stealing the file.

Master Plan:

Step 1: Steal ID of a leaving worker

Step 2: Sneak into Movioba laboratory section

Step 3: Go into file cabinet and copy ALL of the Movioba file

Step 4: Examine Movioba/draw what I see.

Step 5: Get out without being seen

Step 6: Drop ID in the parking lot as if it were an accident.

Step 7: Run!


1) Black Don't Know Me Gloves

2) Copy Central

3) Black thief outfit (must look hot!)

4) Pencil/ sketchbook

5) Night vision glasses

That was it. I was going to carry out my plan and I will figure out more information. I will give it 3 weeks then I'll strike.

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