Chapter 4: Unreal

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I ran out of the room and there stood Thrash kiss his ex-girlfriend.

Thrash opened his eyes and saw me and ran over to me. I ran.

"Astarna! Wait!" He yelled behind me.

I went into the bathroom and cried until my eyes hurt. I looked out of the little window and Vina was yelling at Thrash then gave him a well deserved slap to the face that had him on the ground. She walked into the bathroom.

"Astarna I..." She started but I hugged her, crying.

After a little pep-talk, laughing and makeup renewal I went outside looking strong as ever (even though on the inside I was crying like a new born baby) . Everyone was watching me and murmuring about Thrash.

"Hey!" Leo yelled at Thrash. Pulling the cheater out in the open.

"Let me go man." Thrash tried to knock him away.

"That was pretty down low what you did to Astarna." Leo was furious and punched Thrash in the nose.

The crowds went into "ooh's and ahh's". I knew that was a bad call because after Thrash stumbled up off the ground his posy was at his side within half a second.

"Oh where are your friends to back you up Leo?" Thrash said giving a smile of success. "Get him boys."

The crowd circled around and watched as Leo was practically punched into the ground.

"STOP!" I yelled standing in between Ralph (Thrash's buddy) who was about to knock Leo out and (only half conscious) Leo.

"No *gasp* Stary *gasp* I got *gasp this." Leo winked.

"You really need to get out of here. Thanks for calling him out though" I said now kneeling beside him.

"You're *gasp* welcome." He smiled.

I gave a little smile. Next thing I knew Ralph took a swing and I fell. The last thing I saw was the cold hard ground.

"Astarna.... Astarna.... Astarna!" My vision came back and a paramedic was flashing a light in my eyes.

"Ow." I whispered while moving the light from my face and rubbing my head.

"Alright guys give her some space." They waved people away.

"Your mother is on the phone."

"Astarna are you alright? What happened? Do you need me to come get you?........" I spaced out with all the questions.

I looked around and people were staring at me, Leo was getting "repaired" by the paramedics, Thrash and Ralph were getting yelled at by the principal and Vina was talking to Troy before she walked over.

"Yeah yeah mom I'll explain later and don't come get me I'm fine." I hung up.

"Well that was pretty heroic what you did out there eh Starny." Vina giggled at the nickname Leo gave me and sat down with me.

"Really Vina? " I said with a smirk on my face.

"What?! I like it Leo and Starny!" She said with a hint in her eye. "You guys would look cute together."

"Not in a million years." I said laughing

"I see the "star" in your eye when you hear his name." Vina said.

"Cut it out." I went serious probably because I was still hurting. "What station are we at?" I wondered if I missed the Movioba.

"We are about to go to the last station." She said

"Well what are we waiting for?!" I jumped up to fast and all the blood went to my head.

I sat back down.

"That is what we are waiting for." Vina said trying to make me smile.

"Good afternoon everyone. We will be resuming our stations and everyone else will catch up later." Elliot (the section two guide) said calmly.

"Well that's my que. Are you sure you don't want me to stay with you?" She asked me.

"No you can go ahead and look at whatever it is. I'll catch up with you later." I said while I got antibiotics from the doctor.

I waited there for about an hour and fifteen minuets. That left me with 15 minuets to see the legend.

I got up to find it and by the time I got there I only had 5 minuets left. I was stunned as I saw the beautiful black mist that was contained in the giant chamber.

"I can't believe how beautiful it is!" I thought

"Welcome Astarna!" Zach (our tour guide) welcomed me. "We were just talking about the many powerful things the Movioba can do. It has shut down the laboratory and if you touch it.. Well it's not plesent." He said this timidly as if scared to reveal the truth.

"What happens if you touch it? I asked eagerly

"Well it..." Zach started

"All students of Formal Lake High we need to go!" The principal interrupted.

"Bye guys we would love to have some of your bright minds working here in the future!" The guides and scientists said together.

"I need to know more about the Movioba! I will need to sneak in here when it is really late." I thought to myself.

I walked out and was angry to remember that I was in Thrash's car. Thankfully my mom had rode here and saved me.

"Hey Astarna. I heard all about it from the principal and I came to pick you up. You can go say bye to your friends if you need while I go get the paramedic bill." She said with a chipper attitude.

I walked over and said bye to Vina and Troy and hugged them. I looked up at Thrash and walked away silently.

"Hey Starny." Leo said as he approached

"Hey Leo. How you feeling?" I asked observing his wounds.

"One black eye, dislocated wrist, I got beat up when you fell out and I lost some dignity that's all though. What about you are you alright?" He asked concerned.

"I'll be fine. I just need some sleep and antibiotics." I said tired but hinted a smile.

"Well the ship-name Steo is what everyone is talking about." He winked

"I'm sorry but I'm just not ready right now." I sighed and turned to walk away.

"Hey hey," he said while spinning me around "I'll wait as long as you need Starny. Friends?"

"Yeah friends." I gave him a fist bump and turned when my mom yelled for me.

The ride home consisted of my mom jibber-jabbing away while I didn't listen. I was too busy thinking of my plan.

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