Chapter 6: Killing Time: Week 1

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I was sitting in Math which was my last period of the day. I was dozing off as Mrs. Francis talked about the square root of an algebraic fraction.

"Isharna.. Isharna.. *fake coughs* Isharna!" Vina was trying to get my attention

I turned but I was a little too late.

"Ms. Vina, would you like to answer the question?" Mrs. Francis asked.

"Umm I.. I.." Vina stuttered and the snickering began.

"That's what I thought. Keep your attention on my teachings not on your friend." She said walking back and giving a dirty look at me.

Vina gave me a look that told me that I was about to get a mouthful.

The bell rung and the principal's voice rang around the school.

"All students are now dismissed." his voice was deep and stern.

We all got up and walked out of the door. Many people cheered and others (like me) sped walked out.

"Isharna! What was that? I was trying to talk to you and you just let me embarrass myself! I can't believe you didn't even say anything! You've been so lost this whole week. Are you still frazzled about Thrash?" Vina asked all at once.

"I'm really sorry. Yeah I'm still a little shaken up." I lied straight to her face. I was to busy planning and thinking of any flaws that I was going to face when I went back to the laboratory.

I realized I had spaced out again because Vina's hands flew up and she stomped away.

"Vina wait!" I shouted. I was lost behind the crowd of people.

I walked the other way to ask my teacher to use the piano (my secret passion) and as I turned the corner I ran into Thrash. Of course I walked away with confidence and control.

I got to my locker and started getting out my books for homework.

"Hey Isharna!" Leo yelled after me. I looked up and saw him coming my way. "How are you? Does your head still hurt?" He asked.

"No. I'm fine. How are you feeling?" I asked calmly. I must have blushed because he asked where I was going. "Um I'm going to ask Mr. Renolds a question about our writing assignment." I said thinking of the first excuse.

"Oh well I'll leave you to it." he says a little to quickly.

"Alright. Thanks, I'll see you around." I said locking my locker and walking off with my books in my arms forgetting to put my stuff in my bag.

After asking the music teacher Ms. Ella if I could stay later she said it would be fine. She was the only person that knew I enjoyed music. It calmed me and I got lost in it which allowed me to forget my problems for a short time.

I went to the bathroom so I could freshin up and put my stuff in my bag. I took out my music folder and I went into the music room after Ms. Ella left.

The folder I took out held my personal music iPad and I put that on the piano stand and sat in the middle of the stage imagining myself playing this in front of a crowd of people. I started playing my favorite peice that was popular in the early 2000's called Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift.

I started singing the words how I thought they went.

"That sounds great!" I saw Leo walk out of the shadows.

"Wha.. What are you doing here?" I asked embarrassed.

"I followed you here. Next time you are thinking of an excuse you shouldn't say that the Social Studies teacher is giving a fake writing assignment." He said while jumping on the stage.

I blushed and pulled my hair back behind my ears. "I umm." Moving over so he could sit down.

"Play some more, sing too you have an amazing voice." He said casually.

"I umm I have to go." I got all of my things and walked out.

Later that day when I got home I called Vina.

"Hey Vina. Call me. I'm really sorry about earlier." I hung up after I sent the voicemail.

I woke up the next morning with a head ache but I got ready and went to school anyways. Right when I got there I ran into Vina on my way to first period.

"Hey, I sent you a voicemail and I wanted to know if you wanted to sleepover you know? Girls night?" I asked timidly.

"Yeah I got your messages. I can't I'm spending this whole weekend with Troy. He's leaving on Monday. Sorry I have to go." She said rushed off.

Well week 1 and I've managed to leak my music secret and I aggravated my best friend to a point of no return. Great! Let's hope next week isn't so bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2014 ⏰

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