Chapter 2: Off We Go

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Thrash walked me to my locker and said he would meet up with me for the trip. The time was 085:55 and if I didn't hurry I would be late to chemistry.

I had Mr. Blance for homeroom so I came in close to the bell but he didn't mind.

"Ms. Astarna. I would love if you came earlier due to the fact that we are leaving for our feild trip." He said in a serious tone.

"Won't happen again." I said while giving a little salute.

"Alright. At ease soldier" he joked around with me.

"Now lets see.. Vina you are in Troy's car... umm Astarna you are in Tim's car..." Mr. Blance started reading the names off the list.

"Woah, woah, woah I was suppose to be in Thrash's car." I said confused.

"Pardon my mistake you are indeed in Thrash's car. Now...." He continued reading the names off the list.

I looked over at Vina and gave her that "we needed to talk" glance.

She was loooking at her phone and texting someone with the largest smile on her face. It must have been Troy. She finally looked up and saw me.

"Hey whats up you look distraught." She texted me from across the room and glanced up to make sure I got it.

"Yeah sorry I'm just shocked!" I mean how could I not be after what happened this morning. "Remember that creep from the Brew! Well he was here today and Thrash would have punched him inside out if I hadn't pushed him out of the door." I replied and gave a glance to see Vina's facial expressions.

Vina made the faces of a constipated giraffe.

"OH MY GOSH! What a creep! Anyways you won't believe what Troy did for me last night." Vina sent it and looked toward me.

"What did he do?" I replied.

"He put "Prom" on my back car window and then came up behind me with a huge bunch of flowers and had a diamond ring. This is the last year we will be able to go to Prom together because his parents are making him move back to Earth." She looked disappointed after she sent this but then cheered up because our "chaperones " were here which meant Troy came behind her for a bear-hug.

I read the text and was startled when Thrash came up behind me and said "Hey we don't need anything getting you down today. You have talked my ears off about this field trip and you should be excited."

He reached over with an open palm.

"Yes sir." I said with a flirty hint then handed over my phone.

Mr. Blance gave us the run down of the field trip. "You will enter the laboratory at about 102:00 and do an expirement with the gases from our world and the gases of Earth. Be sure to listen to your guide. If you don't the wrong gases could get mixed and blow up the laboratory so please ask questions if you don't know. You will then exit and enter the jungle of Dewtus for a survival test on that planet. It is imperative that you wear a gas mask! If you don't you could breath in the wrong gases and well lets just say that would end on a sad note. After that has been finished you will eat lunch later at about 023:oo0 and last but not least you will be educated on a very mysterious gas from about 030:00 until we leave at 040:00.

"Oh My Gosh! Do you think it is really the Movioba?!" I hit Thrash multiple times.

"Woah woah easy! We will find out at 030:00." he said knowing that it was killing me.

"I don't know if I can wait that long!"

"Alright let's all go get in our car we will be leaving momentarily." Mr. Blance said.

As we were walking to our cars I glanced over and saw Vina and Troy laughing while hug-walking.

"Oh My Gosh!" I turned to see Thrash's car was gone. You could see the remains of the shattered window.

"Oh my gosh!" I shrieked!

"It's ok Thrash I put a tracker in it cause I knew it would attract attention. I'll take you guys to the field trip and after I'll go to the shop, call the police and find your car." Troy said.

Troy worked at the car shop and had gotten Thrash his car (not to mention the amazing price for his brand new hot-rod).

"Alright. Thanks man. Oh and I need room for Astarna she was riding with me." Thrash said.

"I have room." Tory said giving Thrash a high five and a slap on the back.

We got in the car and Thrash's favorite song was on so we jacked up the speakers and all scream-sung along. I could tell today was going to be a good day!

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