Chapter 8: When The Rat Gets Cornered

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Me and Dalton made little conversation on our journey through the forest.The man had recently texted me and told me that our cover would soon be blown and that made me ache with anticipation.

The sun started to set when we escaped the forest but we were now in a meadow lush with tall grass and flowers.

"Hold up" I grabbed Dalton's arm.
"The grass is incredibly tall and I bet this place is full of traps."
"We can't go back we need to get Nash so we should just be careful and go forward."
"I know I'm just worried."
"Do you want me to go? After all you've been through to get me I should return the favor and get Nash."

"No I'll come with just stay close" I toke the first step onto the meadow when the treetops rustled.
"What was that!?" Dalton asked freaking out.
A bamboo staff came falling down from the treetops above us and smacked us right in the nose.

I flew back and landed on an antpile while Dalton landed in a bundle of weeds.
I felt ants climb up my shirt and bite my soft flesh.
"Fuck!" I exclaimed then grabbed the hem of my shirt and threw it on top of the antpile.I brushed my chest off and watched as my shirt was devoured by the ants.

"Flare! Help me!" Dalton squealed.
I looked over the grass next to me and Dalton had sprung a clamp trap.
The metal clamps had placed themselves over Dalton's chest and he was now pinned to the ground.

"Dammit dude do I have to save you from everything?" I shokey head and grabbed the two clamps.I bit my lip to hold in my groans then I pulled up the clamps.

My biceps bulged and my abs tightened as I forced the clamps apart and when they were far enough apart Dalton crawled out from underneath the trap.
I dropped the clamps and then made a piercing thump on the ground.

I dropped to my knees and looked at my arms.My biceps had turned red and my veins popped out of my skin.
"Flare are you ok?" Dalton wondered.
"No Dalton I'm done with this shit, Just leave me."
"No I won't here I'll help you walk just put your arm across my shoulder."

I did as Dalton said and he helped me walk across the meadow.On the way we didn't encounter anymore traps and I knew we were close to Nash.

It was about one hour till sunset when we stumbled upon a part of the meadow with no grass and Nash of course was right there inside of it.

Nash was surrounded by traps just like in the picture.A saw was over his throat and bear traps on his limbs.
"Nash!" Yelled Dalton.
"Huh is that.... Dalton!" Nash said dreary.
"We're here dude I'm with Flare!"

Dalton brought back us closer to Nash until we were right next to him.
Dalton helped me down on my back and he went over to help Nash.
"Thank God your still intact Nash do you know how to deactivate your trap?" Dalton hoped for a yes response.
"I believe there's a switch on the saw, But you have to push down the bear traps."

Dalton made his way over to the saw and on the handle was a small switch and he pushed it down.
The saw stod up and was no not hovering menacigly hanging over his throat.
Dalton flexed and stretched before pushed all the bear trap jaws down to the earth.

Nash fingered his bleeding wrists and he hugged Dalton while crying into his sleeve.
"Ya know I'm here to Nash?" I waved to him.
Nash scrambled over to me and his eyes became wet again.
"What happened to you Flare you look terrible?"
"I saved Dalton's ass is what I did now I'm paying the price."

"And I thanked him for it" Dalton butted in.
"Thank you Flare" Said Nash.
"So what happened to us who did this to us and lastly why the hell did the dude that beat me put this in my pants?"
Nash removed a news paper scrap from his denim pockets and my hand instinctively reached out and snatched it from Nash's fingers.

"Dalton, Explain to Nash what I told you this whole conundrum is about while I put this piece in the puzzle" I demanded Dalton.

While Dalton filled Nash's head with with the explaination I looked over the news clipping.

The recent oil derrick that was installed in Farthing Woods has collapsed and spilled millions of gallons of the resource into the reservoir.

I was almost finished with this story and the man knew it too.

Your so close Flare just two more clues and our little town will be avenged.After that I will release your stripper friend and you'll be on your way home.Do note however that you are at the half point mark in our little mystery so every thing from here on out will be excruciatingly harder.

Your next little amigo who is named Sling will be located in the swamp with a few of my reptilian buddies.Goodnight Flare....

After explaining everything to Nash all he had to say was
"Wow we're in some deep shit!"
I showed Nash and Dalton the message and I advised them to set up camp and wait until morning.
Both of the boys agreed and we pulled up some grass to fasten a blanket.

We all slept huddled together because it was so fucking cold but I tried to not let the cold get to me because I swore I saw a man in a black trenchcoat watching us sleep from the forest outline.

Soon my mind lost it's wariness and I fell asleep.

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