Chapter 4: Lost boys

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Once we got out of the car we opened the trunk and found absolutely nothing.
"Way to go Flare, you don't even bother to put survival gear in the trunk" Mocked Dalton.
"You shut the fuck up and go get firewood" I demanded him.

Dalton slugged off into the forest and Nash followed him with out me telling him.
"Conroy can you survey the area to find out if there's some hermit in the woods or something."
"Sure thing Kaiser!" Conroy saluted and then walked off into the forest.

I flipped Conroy off from behind and began to tear off branches from the trees.

"Why are you doing that?" Asked Sling.To be honest I forgot he was here.
"I'm going to sharpen the sticks and create a border for our little camp" I told him.
I searched my pockets for my keys so I could sharpen the edge of the stick but while searching for them I found a piece of paper in my pants.

I opened the crumbled up paper and found that Tammy had written her name and number down on it.
"I think we might be saved Sling."
"The girl I was with at the club wrote down her number, I could call her for help."

I found my phone in my jacket pocket and turned it on.
Battery Remaining: 5%
I opened it quickly and went to my contacts.I pressed on the create a new contact button and I frantically typed in Tammy's number.

I finished typing in the number and then I pressed call.
The phone rang for awhile while I exchanged looks between the battery percentage and Sling's face.
Battery Remaining: 3%
"Oh come the fuck on Tammy!" I begged for her to pick up.

Just then a familiar voice was heard over the phone.
"Hello?" It said.
"Tammy, Tammy it's me Flare from the club!"
"Flare....Oh Flare! Hey what's up?"
"Um well you see one of our friends were chased out of the club and we drove a couple of miles away before I noticed we Had less then a quarter of a tank of gas so I pulled over.We used up all our money at the club and we're spending the night camping in the woods.Do you think you could come give us some gas and maybe some cash?"

The line was silent for a second and then Tammy spoke up.
"I'd love to come help you guys but I'm already home and I would never go out into those woods at night."
"Wait, Why?"
"Well you see....fuck it, nevermind I'll come get you guys in the morning if that's alright?"
"Thanks Tammy goodbye."

I was about to put away my phone when Tammy spoke up
"Flare one more thing before you go!"
"Are you alone?"
"No my friend is right next to me."
"Tell him to go somewhere else for a second."
"Ok, Sling do you mind if I can get some privacy?"

Sling looked like he was gonna refuse but then he left me and walked into the woods.
"Ok we're alone."
"You need to protect yourself in that forest Flare, You need to stay close to the road and whatever you do don't-Beeeeep!"
"What the fuck!"

I looked at my phone screen and it said that all the battery was used and it was shutting off.
"Dammit!" I yelled aloud and Sling came running out of the woods.
"What's the matter?"
"The fucking phone died!"
I threw the phone in the car seat and turned to Sling.
"Is your phone working?"
"Mines at the club, did Tammy say she'd pick us up?"
"She has to wait till morning because the forest is dangerous at night."

"What did she mean by that?"
"She's probably scared of bats and spiders, honestly there's nothing here to be scared of."
Right then Nash, Dalton, and Conroy came walking out of the woods.
Nash and Dalton dumped about thirty sticks of wood at my feet and Conroy told me
"There's no one for miles Flare only trees."

I sighed and announced
"Ok guys I'll start a fire and then maybe cook something up for us."
The guys all sat in a circle on the ground while I rubbed two sticks together.

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