Chapter 11: Returning To Terror

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The time it took for us to return to where we began was approximately two hours but we made it to the forest and then the campsite.Eventually we decided that I would sacrifice my underwear for Sling and then we were on our way.

When we reached the campsite we found the man that trapped us all standing in front of the highway with two people by his side.The people had burlap sacks over their heads and they sat on their knees.

The man wore a black trenchcoat, black dress pants, a black hat,black gloves, black mask and finally black dress shoes.
"You've sure got a theme going don't ya?" Sling said sarcastically.
"Shut up and listen the all of you!" The man shouted in an English accent.
We all stod silently in a line and awaited the man's speech.

"First off I must congratulate Flare for single handedly making it possible for you all to survive.Now that you all have figured out the history of Farthing the one question that remains is how did the oil spill and how started the fire? Well I can tell you that the arson was none other than me."

The man toke off his mask and threw it on the ground.Under the mask the man had a rough face with deep age lines and his hair was grey as well as his long beard.The man's eyes were a deep blue full of cunning hate and decit.

"My name is Burton jebediah I was the mayor of Farthing fifty years ago.Next to me on the left is none other than...."
Burton removed the burlap sack.
"Conroy Carter otherwise known as the dude the douchebag of the group."

I and my other friends gasped and our fingers curled into fists.
"But wait if that makes you mad...."
Burton ripped the sack off the right person head.
"Feast your gaze on Tammy Bouvier aka the slut that found love."

My heart turned to stone and my jaw unhinged.He had captured the woman I loved and was using her defenselessness against me.
"See what's happening here boys, You get one choice but two options.The boy or the girl lives."
I couldn't take anymore of Burton's mind games and I let him know it.

"What are you doing this for!?" I shouted.
Burton licked his grey lips before awnsering me.
"The reason I burnt down Farthing is a hard one to explain but I'll try to degraded it down.When I first founded Farthing I wanted the town to be located away from civilization so we could not have our cultures mixing."

"The townspeople were merely a collection of sinners who had been kicked out of their towns because they broke the law.I gave them a new start in life and they all had good lives until I discovered the oil under the town."

"I like to think of the discovery as accidental but some evil force brought me to it.After we constructed the derrick I knew our little town would expand to the fullest but then one day the derrick stopped working.I went into the ground where we extracted the oil and found a cave."

"In the cave were ancient Indian warnings and curses of the area our town had settled on.The Indians would decapitate the traitors of their tribes right on the land where our town stod.The curse of the fallen told of this property being no man's land and those who do make residence on the land will be plauged with lunacy."

"A couple of days after I discovered the cave the derrick leaked oil into the water and everyone in town began to flail their arms on the ground like apes.I had to stop the curse or else it would destroy us all so I set the reservoir on fire and the flames traveled so fast I didn't even have time to blink."

"Since the town was so far away it toke hours for firefighters to arrive.They came to late and everything and everyone was burned into ash.The police just labeled it a wildfire but they were wrong.With me the only human that lived in the town left I tried to keep anyone from suffering the same fate I did."

"When you guys came you were the first tresspasers in fifty years and I wanted to stop you but my time for life was almost up.So I devised I competition so you could learn of my devilish scheme and I could rest in peace knowing I told the secret."

"Unfortunately the Indian curse gave me madness and I had no choice but to trap your friends and almost have you killed.Now the final test has come and once you choose I will kill the selected person and then comit suicide."

Burton clicked the heels of his shoes together and three tranquilizer dart fired from the trees into Nash's, Sling's, and Dalton's necks making them pass out.

"The choice is yours Flare and only yours, Fate is in your hands no choose who to kill and I will return you to your regular lives." Burton told me.

My eyes kept traveling deeper into Conroy's, so deep where I could see his frightened soul but somewhere I could tell he was trying to tell me go with who you love.
When I looked at Tammy she nodded her head as if to tell me my life does not matter here save your friend.

Time did not matter I knew Burton would try to mentally damaged me for as long as he could.In the wake out silencey lips made a sound.
Burton grinned and put a knife to Conroy's throat and cut straight through the flesh.

Tears trickled down my face and my lips trembled but before I could wail with regret a tranquilizer found it's way into my neck.My foggy tear filled vision turned to black and I fell backwards.

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