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R O A apsan park, daegu, south korea19:18

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apsan park, daegu, south korea

you stood and bowed when you saw me. i returned the gesture. two coffees sat next to you.

"ah, for you," you smiled nervously, handing the iced drink to me. iced french vanilla.

"my favorite," i mumbled, taking a sip, "how'd you know?"

you shrugged, an obvious smirk on your lips. "i have my ways."

"you asked taehyung didn't you?"

you solemnly nodded, your head hanging low. i laughed, nudging your arm.

"you're a first year, right?" you had asked. i grinned, nodding my head.

you groaned, leaning back against the bench we were on. "i shouldn't be seen out with

my heart hurt. i looked away and bit my lower lip.

"i-i'm sorry, i didn't mean it like that," you stumbled over your words. cute. i knew what you meant, though.

exactly what you had said.

"valentine's day is coming up," you spoke, catching my attention. i nodded.

"what should i get your sister?"

there it was. the question i was dreading.

"aren't you guys on a break?" i dared to ask. you chuckled, but it wasn't funny to you.

you hummed. "uh yeah, we are. but i have to make it up to her somehow right? just help me out."

"i don't know," i muttered, "i don't know what she likes."

you laughed softly, sipping your drink. "what would you want? give me some ideas."

i hummed, resting my head on your shoulder. for a second, something sparked in me. it was unexplainable. i knew i wanted it to happen again.

"i'm not really into the dramatic stuff, you know? pizza, a good movie, and just spending time with my significant other is all i would want. she's not like that though," i answered thoughtfully.

you tilted your head. you looked deep in thought. your arm made its way around my shoulders, you didn't even blink. the feeling came back.

"i think i have an idea. thank you, roa," you spoke quickly, standing up. i followed.

you patted my head, giving one last thanks and bidding me goodbye.

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