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R O Aapsan park, daegu, south korea20:29

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apsan park, daegu, south korea

you were sat on the same bench as last time. you looked different though. a hoodie was thrown over your clothes messily. your hood was pulled up, resting on top of a black cap. you had a mask on as well.

"for you," you said simply, handing me another iced french vanilla and a mask. i slipped the mask over my mouth and pulled my hood over my head.

i looked down at you and grabbed your hand, pulling you up. "let's take a walk, yeah?" i smiled, and though i couldn't see it, i knew you smiled back.

you set your cap lower before taking my hand in yours, swinging our arms lightly back and forth.

"baby girl," you breathed out. i grinned under my mask, a blush settling on my cheeks. i looked up at you.

"she knows, doesn't she?"

i subconsciously squeezed your hand. "i'm not sure. she has some idea. you can change her mind, right?"

you sighed, looking past me. after a few seconds you nodded.

"or," you started, catching my attention, "i can just end all of this completely."

my heartbeat quickened and my palms grew sweaty.

"you mean like, everything?" i stuttered, blinking rapidly to keep myself from crying.

your eyes softened as your hand made its way to my cheek. "no, my love, just with her."

i rubbed under my eyes and laughed breathily. sighing, i rested my forehead against your chest. your hands rested on the small of my back. i felt your lips kiss the top of my head through your mask.

"this is still very wrong, min yoongi. this is my sister. i can't keep doing this," i groaned, pulling away. you ran your fingers through my hair.

"why can't you?" you asked genuinely, tilting your head to the side.

i started walking again, lacing my fingers with yours. "i don't want to hear people talking anymore. my relationship with my sister is only going to get worse if we come out about this. its hard, yoongi."

you hummed, gently pulling my hand so i was facing you again. you took both of my hands in yours.

"byun roa," you spoke seriously, making me shudder, "i genuinely only have eyes for you. let people talk, it will be less of a shock when we tell them the truth that way. i promise that no matter what, i'll always protect you. i will always be here for you. your sister will have to get over it eventually, right? you're the type of person i want to spend the rest of my life with, not her. trust me."

my legs felt like jelly as i felt them weaken beneath me. i was sure you could hear my heartbeat by now. i was honestly at a loss for words.

i pulled my hands away from yours, using one to bring my mask down while the other tugged at yours. i threw my arms around your neck and pulled you down to my height, pressing my lips hard against yours.

everything i wanted to say to you was held in that kiss. i'm glad you could understand that.

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