Chapter 18~ Jesse

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Chapter 18~ Jesse

Finally!!! It's Friday and I can't wait for school to end. Since Beca ended things with Asher we are free to be together and we are definitely taking advantage of it. We planned to make a day out of this date starting when the final bell rings until we decide it's time to go home.

I jumped out of bed full of joy because the greatest girl in school is my girl. I quickly throw on some clothes and skip down the stairs. I rushed through breakfast, I can't get to school fast enough.

After eating I was sitting on my porch steps waiting for Justin, he's my ride to school today. He's 20 minutes late and I'm getting frustrated. Finally, I hear his car before I see it. He's blaring his favorite rock band Poison through his Mustang' s speakers. It took him 20 more minutes to get to school and the first tardy bell had already rung. When I finally made it to my locker I was surprised to see Beca waiting for me. She saw me as soon as I reached the hallway and a huge grin formed on her face.

"You owe me." She said as I quickly made way to her. "You made me late for class."

She leaned against the locker beside mine as I put my combination in.

"Hey, I didn't ask you to wait." I said as I put my books into my locker.

"Well excuse me for wanting to see my boyfriend before class." She said as I grabbed my books for my first class and closed my locker. "I guess I won't anymore." She said jokingly as she turned to leave.

I quickly tossed my books on the floor and grabbed her arm twirling her around. I gently pushed her back flat against my locker.

"Just kiss me." I said as I slowly lowered my lips closer to hers. She smiled then quickly crashed her lips to mine.

I pulled away but kept my lips just inches from hers. "I can't wait for tonight."

"I know, that movie looks so good." She said and I chuckled. "Oh you meant the date, that sounds cool, too." She said against my lips then kissed me again.

"What are you two doing out here? Get to class!" we were interrupted by a teacher.

Beca put her hand on my chest and gently pushed me away. "See ya later." She said then pushed past me apologizing to the teacher as she walked to class.

I grabbed my books, nodded at the teacher, and followed Beca to class.


It's 5 minutes until the final bell rings and I'm waiting outside of the choir room door.

"Hi young man. Is there anything I can do for ya?" Mrs. Mosby, the choir teacher asked before she entered her classroom.

"Uh, just waiting for my girlfriend."

"Well come on in and wait. We could use an observer." She said then pushed open the door to reveal a rowdy class full of mostly girls. I immediately picked Beca out of the huge group of girls. She smiled and blew me a kiss. I smiled and leaned against a table.

"Alright girls. Get in your positions for the Price Tag mash-up from Pitch Perfect." Mrs. Mosby said and 10 girls got into position on the floor as everyone else sat by the farthest wall.

Mosby blew into a pitch pipe then counted to four. The girls began using their mouths to imitate instruments then one girl began singing. (I do not own the following mash-up, it belongs the the creators of Pitch Perfect.)

"Seems like everybody's got a price I wonder how they sleep at night when the sale comes first and the truth comes second just stop for a minute and smile." the first girl sang as they all did the dance from Pitch Perfect.

"Everybody look to the left, everybody look to the right. Can you feel that ya we're paying with love tonight." another girl's sang and it went quiet for a second then some Chinese looking girl broke that silence and threw the song into party mode.

"It ain't about the money."

All the girls started singing as the danced, "It's not about the money, money, money. We don't need your money, money, money. We just wanna make the world dance forget about the price tag it ain't about the uh ch-chang ch-chang ain't about the ya b-blang b-blang we wanna make the world dance forget about the price tag."

I heard 4 heys then Beca walked down the path the girls made.

"Won't you come see about me I'll be alone dancing you know it baby tell me your troubles and doubts giving me everything inside and out don't you forget about me. As you walk on by, will you call my name (4x)"

She sang on perfect pitch. She sounds amazing. She threw her first in the air as she sang the la' s just like in Pitch Perfect.

(I'm not writing the whole song out, of you want to see it watch the movie. It's the last performance, you can't miss it).

When the song ended the class clapped as did I. The bell racing and everyone quickly filed it out of the room. Beca grabbed her bag and slung out over her shoulder.

"So what did you think?" She asked.

"They were great, except you."

She gave me a look as of to say 'what?'

"You were amazing." I said then gently kissed her lips. She giggled against my lips then pulled away.

"Lets go." She said then laced her fingers with mine.

Finally, date time.

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